Start NPC | Fari-Wari - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (Shararat Teahouse) |
Requirements | Treasures of Aht Urhgan Mihli Aliapoh present in Al Zahbi Aht Urhgan Mission 11: Imperial Schemes Completed. |
Items Needed | Colorful Hair |
Title Granted | Springserpent Sentry |
Repeatable | No |
Reward | Imperial Gold Piece 500 Imperial Standing |
← Previous Quest | Next Quest → |
Ode to the Serpents | Embers of His Past |
Note: The Colorful Hair needed for this quest can either be obtained via the Auction House Category: Others > Misc., or picked up from the Aydeewa Diremite in a room close to the ??? cutscene point.
- Talk to Fari-Wari at Shararat Teahouse for the first cutscene.
- Go to (G-9) and talk to Eunheem.
- Head east and talk to Nadeey at (K-7), inside the Walahra Temple.
- Go to Al Zahbi and talk to Mihli Aliapoh at (H-7).
- Take the North exit out of Al Zahbi. Proceed to Aydeewa Subterrane, entering from Bhaflau Thickets at (I-7) (preferred) or (G-7).
- The (I-7) point is nearer to Aht Urhgan Whitegate and Al Zahbi, closer to the target ??? and closer to where the Colorful Hair drops .
- If you chose the Bhaflau Thickets (I-7) entry:
- In the first room, take the exit to the West-Northwest and drop into the next room. You'll be in a room with Slime Eaters.
- Hug the left wall and take the ramp down going South, where you will enter a large room.
- If you chose the Bhaflau Thickets (G-7) entry:
- Proceed South, ignoring any turns at intersections, until you are forced to turn east. Go East past the next intersection until you enter a large room.
- If you don't have the Colorful Hair:
- Go across this room and take the South-East exit at (I-9).
- Turn North at the intersection in (I-10).
- Kill Aydeewa Diremite in the next room until you get a Colorful Hair.
- Exit the room using the Down ramp in the West wall.
- If this area is being camped, the Colorful Hair also drops from Aydeewa Diremite in map 2 of Aydeewa Subterrane. Enter from Wajaom Woodlands at (I-10), you can Unity warp directly there ("Level 135 content" category), and proceed to the large room at (I-9/J-9). Exit by going north to (I-6).
- The ??? is located at the S/W corner of (H-8), a few steps N/W from the platform for the Blue Mage quest.
- Trade a Colorful Hair to the ??? for a long cutscene.
- Plan on viewing the cutscene for at least 6:20.
- Return to Fari-Wari for the final cutscene.
Note: You must complete Aht Urhgan Mission 11: Imperial Schemes before Fari-Wari will give you this quest, and General Mihli Aliapoh must be present in Al Zahbi to complete the quest.
Game Description[]
- Client
- Fari-Wari (Shararat Teahouse, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
- Summary
- Fari-Wari is under pressure from moneylenders to repay his loan, but it seems he's found a new theme for his next bestseller...