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Soloing is a method of combat involving one character engaging enemies alone; the alternative is partying, involving multiple players engaging monsters in a group. Though enemies are much more difficult to face alone than in groups, the perks of soloing include not needing to share any experience (or losing any because other party members are higher in level), not needing to share items dropped by the mobs, and not needing to overcome the logistical challenges of starting, joining, maintaining, or leaving a party.

Partying is not generally a viable option for any jobs until around levels 8-9, when Valkurm Dunes becomes the popular spot for gaining experience. Until then, most players tend to solo, usually in the areas directly outside of one of the home cities: Gustaberg, Sarutabaruta, and Ronfaure. At these levels, even Decent Challenge mobs can be dispatched by a solo player, depending on the job. Even afterwards, however, some players choose to solo out of desire or necessity; though the experience is gained much more slowly than it would be in a party, this is still very possible into the late 20s, when even single Easy Prey monsters become dangerous to unwary adventurers.

Soloing is generally the preferred method of camping Notorious Monsters for rare items; generally speaking, a NM will only drop one (if that) of the item sought, so joining a party would tend to be counter-productive.

Soloing by Jobs[]

Some jobs are more adept at soloing than others. Red Mages, by virtue of their innate propensity for both healing and attacking (as well as their powerful enfeebling techniques), are a natural choice. Beastmasters likewise, as they tend not to engage their targets themselves. A Dragoon subbing White Mage is a more complex, if effective, choice: the Wyvern's Healing Breath will activate upon the casting of any spell, at no MP cost to the Dragoon. Dancer is quickly becoming a popular job to solo due to the healing waltzes available.

See Also[]
