Sleep bolt
(Marksmanship) All Races
Damage Per Second: 0.21
TP Per Hit: 76
Stackable: 99
Additional effect: Sleep
- Sleep duration may be resisted. Ranged accuracy seems to affect resist rate.
- Sleep lasts ~8-22 seconds.
- On monsters of significantly higher level than yourself, including Notorious Monsters, the Additional Efffect Sleep can wear off almost instantly.
- When the Sleep status is landed on a monster a light melody or series of chimes will play along with the animation.
- The effect can trigger on Weapon Skill.
Other Uses[]
Guild Points Value: None
Resale Price: ~5 gil
Note: These can be quivered into a Sleep Bolt Quiver. See Nokkhi Jinjahl for more details.
Synthesis Recipes[]
Woodworking (16/27)
- Yield: Sleep Bolt x 33
- HQ 1: Sleep Bolt x 66
- HQ 2: Sleep Bolt x 99
- Earth Crystal
- 1 x Ash Lumber
- 1 x Sleep Bolt Heads
Woodworking (16/27)
Yield: Sleep Bolt x 99
Earth Crystal
- 3 x Ash Lumber
- 3 x Sleep Bolt Heads
- 1 x Bundling Twine
Used in Recipes[]
- None
Desynthesis Recipes[]
Obtained from Desynthesis[]
- None
How to Obtain[]
Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. > Ammunition
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.