Simulacrum Segments Are required to create a Simulacrum.
To obtain a Simulacrum 3 Simulacrum Segments (a Visage, a Faithful's Torso and a Faithful's Legs) are traded to Oston in Eastern Adoulin (a small payment in Bayld is also required)
The following Simulacrum Segments exist
Cirdas Visages[]
Cirdas Visage I
Cirdas Visage II
Cirdas Visage III
Cirdas Visage IV
Cirdas Visage V
Ra'Kaznar Visages[]
Ra'Kaznar Visage I
Ra'Kaznar Visage II
Ra'Kaznar Visage III
Ra'Kaznar Visage IV
Ra'Kaznar Visage V
Rala Visages[]
Rala Visage I
Rala Visage II
Rala Visage III
Rala Visage IV
Rala Visage V
Yorcia Visages[]
Yorcia Visage I
Yorcia Visage II
Yorcia Visage III
Yorcia Visage IV
Yorcia Visage V
Faithful's Torsos[]
Faithful's Torso I
Faithful's Torso II
Faithful's Torso III
Faithful's Torso IV
Faithful's Torso V
Faithful's Legs[]
Faithful's Legs I
Faithful's Legs II
Faithful's Legs III
Faithful's Legs IV
Faithful's Legs V