Scutum (Bugard) has an identical name. If an internal link incorrectly referred you to this page, please change the link to point directly to Scutum (Bugard).
Other Uses[]
Guild Points Value: None
Resale Price: ~4,674 gil
Synthesis Recipes[]
- Yield: Scutum x 1
- HQ 1: Scutum +1 x 1
- Earth Crystal
- 2 x Iron Sheet
- 2 x Darksteel Sheet
- 1 x Oak Lumber
Used in Recipes[]
- None
Desynthesis Recipes[]
Obtained from Desynthesis[]
- None
How to Obtain[]
Auction House Category: Armor > Shields
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Sparks of Eminence[]
Historical Background[]
A scutum is the Latin word for "shield", although it has in modern times come to be specifically associated with the rectangular, semi-cylindrical body shield carried by ancient Roman legionaries. The shield's curved shape covered the wielder's front and sides, affording excellent protection.