
Scuff Marks are targets on the ground in Abyssea - Grauberg. There are three locations at (F11), (K-12), (F-13) and will only be activated if you have the quest Getting Lucky and trade the correct requested item to the relevant location.

Successfully trading the correct item will spawn the NPC Ramblix who unlike outside Abyssea will be friendly to you. He'll give you intel on the wyverns inside Abyssea - Grauberg:

  • the creatures've been in good humor lately, if that can be believed.
  • the creatures've been waaay agitated lately, so approach at your own peril!
  • the creatures've been a tad alarmed lately.

After the dilect Ramblix will vanish. The status of the wyverns mentioned by Ramblix will not affect players who are fighting them.
