
Job: Monk
Family: Sabotender
Crystal: Water
Weak to: Dark, Ice

Notorious Monster

Sabotender Corrido

Sabotender Corrido

Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Eastern Altepa Desert 72 1 A, H
~9,000 HP
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants


  • Spawns around H-10 every 2 hours.
  • Uses Hundred Fists at 25% health.
  • Melee attacks have additional effect: slow (This Slow doesn't overwrite Haste, Refueling)
  • Has enhanced movement speed of at least +25%.
  • Resisted Gravity 2x from RDM 75, 8/8 enfeebling magic merits, +26 skill from gear, nq wind staff.
  • Resisted Gravity, Bind, and Sleep spells from BLM 75, 8/8 enfeebling magic merits, above average gear.
  • Very high Double Attack rate. Corrido is a MNK and always attacks twice; often attacking three or four times due to double attack on each hand-to-hand swing.
  • Does not use any TP Abilities.
  • Aggros a lvl 75 Player
  • Cactrot Rapido will link with this NM.
  • Stun in all its forms seems to land for longer than normal periods, Tachi: Hobaku, Blade Bash, and Violent Flourish all lasting from 5-7 seconds when the effect lands.
  • (see testimonials)
Hunt Registry Elusiveness Ferocity Required Scylds Rewarded Scylds Evolith Evolith
Rabao (G-11)
6 7 0 25 Ninjutsu Lightning Lightning : Magic Accuracy+2~3 TriangleUpEmptyWaterWater Water△4~6

