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Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Very resistant to multiple status ailments through proper use of Runes and Pflug.

+ Capable of withstanding powerful magic attacks.

+ Capable of bestowing potent magic defenses upon his/her entire party through use of Valiance and One For All.

+ Effusion: Lunge and Effusion: Gambit are useful tools for exploiting a monster's elemental weaknesses.

+ Reasonably high evasion and parrying skills.

+ Has access to a handful of tools; namely Flash, Phalanx, Spikes Effect spells, and a unique spell Foil to help it 'tank'.

- Despite having access to powerful Great Sword weapon skills Rune Fencers lack the proper equipment, job abilities, and traits to produce weapon skill damage that comes close to that of other front line jobs.

- Has trouble maintaining enmity against targets.

- Lack of native healing abilities outside of Regen IV severely damages the survivability of a Rune Fencer, especially when solo.

- Whilst they are effective against monsters prone to using a lot of magic attacks Rune Fencers suffer greatly against those that either use physical attacks over magic attacks or those that use both in equal measure.
