Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Ru'Lude Gardens
Type City
Map Acquisition Purchase
Miscellaneous None
Region Jeuno
Expansion Final Fantasy XI
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music "Ru'Lude Gardens"
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes None

The grounds of Kam'lanaut's grand estates, the Ru'Lude Gardens were named by the archduke himself and opened to the population as a place of respite in times of peace. Unfortunately, during the Crystal War, the gardens, the estate, and the bridge on which they were built were all destroyed by boulders thrown by gigas. After the war was over, the Ru'Lude Gardens were reconstructed on the roof of the residential tower on an even grander scale for all the people of Vana'diel to enjoy.

Upper Jeuno: H-11

Dynamis - Jeuno via Trail Markings: I-9

Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba via Pursuivant at (I-8)
La Theine Plateau: via Vincent H-10
Konschtat Highlands: via Vincent H-10
Tahrongi Canyon: via Vincent H-10
Valkurm Dunes: via Vincent H-10
Buburimu Peninsula: via Vincent H-10
Jugner Forest: via Vincent H-10
North Gustaberg: via Vincent H-10
South Gustaberg: via Vincent H-10
Xarcabard: via Vincent H-10

After completing Researchers from the West - Selbina, Mhaura, Rabao, Norg: via Proto-Waypoint G-9

After completing Middle Lands Investigation - West Ronfaure, North Gustaberg, West Sarutabaruta, La Theine Plateau, Konschtat Highlands, Tahrongi Canyon, Jugner Forest, Pashhow Marshlands, Meriphataud Mountains, Attohwa Chasm, Uleguerand Range: via Proto-Waypoint G-9

After completing Further Founts - Davoi, Beadeaux, Castle Oztroja, Quicksand Caves, Sea Serpent Grotto, Temple of Uggalepih, Boyahda Tree, Oldton Movalpolos, Riverne - Site B01, Castle Zvahl Keep: via Proto-Waypoint G-9

Home Point #1: (H-8)
Home Point #2: (I-9)
Home Point #3: (F-9)

Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
Apocalypse Nigh Epilogue Esha'ntarl    Ru'Lude Gardens
A Trial in Tandem Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
A Trial in Tandem, Redux Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Beam Me Up... No, Not There! General Anastase    Ru'Lude Gardens G-9
Chameleon Capers Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Ducal Hospitality General Taillegeas    Ru'Lude Gardens I-7
Empty Memories General Harith    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Further Founts General Anastase    Ru'Lude Gardens G-9
Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno) General Ajithaam    Upper Jeuno F-5
Middle Lands Investigation General Anastase    Ru'Lude Gardens G-9
Northward Map Radeivepart    Ru'Lude Gardens H-9
Recollections BLM AF2 Chumimi    Heavens Tower --
Save the Clock Tower General Derrick    Lower Jeuno H-7
Shadows of the Departed General Esha'ntarl    Ru'Lude Gardens
Storms of Fate General Esha'ntarl    Ru'Lude Gardens
Unlisted Qualities Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno I-10
Yet Another Trial in Tandem Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
In Defiant Challenge Limit Break Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Atop the Highest Mountains Limit Break Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Whence Blows the Wind Limit Break Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Researchers from the West General Anastase    Ru'Lude Gardens G-9
Riding on the Clouds Limit Break Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Shattering Stars Limit Break Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
New Worlds Await Limit Break Nomad Moogle    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Expanding Horizons Limit Break Nomad Moogle    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Beyond the Sun Limit Break Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Mission Nation Starter Location
A New Journey Windurst 3-3 Windurst Gate Guard Windurst
Magicite (Windurst) Windurst 4-1 Pakh Jatalfih Ru'Lude Gardens
Appointment to Jeuno San d'Oria 3-3 San d'Orian Gate Guard San d'Oria
Magicite (San d'Oria) San d'Oria 4-1 Nelcabrit Ru'Lude Gardens
Jeuno (Mission) Bastok 3-3 Bastok Gate Guard Bastok
Magicite (Bastok) Bastok 4-1 Goggehn Ru'Lude Gardens
Below the Arks Promathia 1-2 --- ---
A Vessel Without a Captain Promathia 3-2 --- ---
The Pursuit of Paradise (Tenzen's Path) Promathia 5-3 Cid Metalworks H-8
For Whom the Verse is Sung Promathia 6-1 -- --
A Place to Return Promathia 6-2 --- ---
More Questions Than Answers Promathia 6-2 --- ---
Flames in the Darkness Promathia 7-2 --- ---
Dawn Promathia 8-4 --- ---

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type
Adolie (G - 9)
Ajahkeem (G - 7) Fellow Enhancements
Akta (H - 10)
Albiona (H - 9)
Anastase (G - 9)
Anoop (H - 7)
Archanne (G - 9) Event Scene Replayer
Arenuel (I - 6)
Assai Nybaem (G - 10) Abyssite Merchant
Auchefort (H - 7)
Baran (H - 5)
Chapi Galepilai (H - 7)
Colti (H - 6)
Crooked Arrow (G - 8)
Dabih Jajalioh (F - 9) Standard Merchant
Diradour (F - 8) Adventurer's Assistant
Dugga (G - 8) Item Deliverer
Explorer Moogle (H - 9) Mog Tablet Tracker
Fabien (H - 10) Traverser Stone
Falreze (H - 4)
Ghye Dachanthu (F - 9) Item Deliverer
Goggehn (H - 10)
Harith (H - 5)
High Wind (H - 6)
Kayle (I - 9) Map Viewer
Laityn (G - 9)
Leis (H - 5)
Name Location Type
Maat (H - 5) Job Master
Macchi Gazlitah (H - 9) Standard Merchant
Magian Moogle (H - 5) Trial of the Magians
Main-Harmain (H - 6)
Marshal (I - 9) Marshal
Morlepiche (H - 10) Conquest Overseer
Muhoho (H - 7)
Nelcabrit (G - 9)
Neraf-Najiruf (G - 7)
Nomad Moogle (H - 5) Adventurer's Assistant
Nuria (I - 10) Map Marker
Pakh Jatalfih (I - 9)
Perisa-Neburusa (I - 10) Residence Renter
Petva (H - 8)
Pherimociel (G - 6)
Pitenorelieu (G - 8)
Pursuivant (I - 8) Pursuivant
Radeivepart (H - 9) Quest Giver
Rainhard (H - 6)
Sitting Ram (H - 7)
Taillegeas (I - 7)
Tillecoe (I - 8)
Tsugumi (I - 9)
Venessa (H - 10) ENM Activator
Vincent (H - 10) Cavernous Maw Teleport
Yavoraile (I - 6)