The grounds of Kam'lanaut's grand estates, the Ru'Lude Gardens were named by the archduke himself and opened to the population as a place of respite in times of peace. Unfortunately, during the Crystal War, the gardens, the estate, and the bridge on which they were built were all destroyed by boulders thrown by gigas. After the war was over, the Ru'Lude Gardens were reconstructed on the roof of the residential tower on an even grander scale for all the people of Vana'diel to enjoy.
Upper Jeuno: H-11
Dynamis - Jeuno via Trail Markings: I-9
Diorama Abdhaljs-Ghelsba via Pursuivant at (I-8)
La Theine Plateau: via Vincent H-10
Konschtat Highlands: via Vincent H-10
Tahrongi Canyon: via Vincent H-10
Valkurm Dunes: via Vincent H-10
Buburimu Peninsula: via Vincent H-10
Jugner Forest: via Vincent H-10
North Gustaberg: via Vincent H-10
South Gustaberg: via Vincent H-10
Xarcabard: via Vincent H-10
After completing Researchers from the West - Selbina, Mhaura, Rabao, Norg: via Proto-Waypoint G-9
After completing Middle Lands Investigation - West Ronfaure, North Gustaberg, West Sarutabaruta, La Theine Plateau, Konschtat Highlands, Tahrongi Canyon, Jugner Forest, Pashhow Marshlands, Meriphataud Mountains, Attohwa Chasm, Uleguerand Range: via Proto-Waypoint G-9
After completing Further Founts - Davoi, Beadeaux, Castle Oztroja, Quicksand Caves, Sea Serpent Grotto, Temple of Uggalepih, Boyahda Tree, Oldton Movalpolos, Riverne - Site B01, Castle Zvahl Keep: via Proto-Waypoint G-9
Home Point #1: (H-8)
Home Point #2: (I-9)
Home Point #3: (F-9)