  Requirements:   Level 60 or higher.
   (only one boss per run)
  Hakenmann (Orobon)
  Hildesvini (Marid)
  Himinrjot (Buffalo)
  Hraesvelg (Manticore)
  Morbol Emperor (Morbol)
  Nihhus (Wivre)
  Repeatable:   Yes
  Reward:   Key Item: Rossweisse's feather
  960 Ampoules of Therion Ichor


  Items:   Hero's Reflections
  Armoury Crate:   Amrita (???%)
  Assassin's Drink (???%)
  Dusty Ether (???%)
  Dusty Potion (???%)
  Dusty Scroll of Reraise (???%)
  Fanatic's Drink (???%)
  Pro-Ether (???%)
  Spy's Drink (???%)
  Armoury Crate:   Ameretat Vine x2 (Morbol Emperor) (???%)
  Buffalo Hide (Himinrjot) (???%)
  Buffalo Meat (Himinrjot) (???%)
  Lacquer Tree Log (Morbol Emperor) (???%)
  Orobon Meat (Hakenmann) (???%)
  Manticore Fang (Hraesvelg) (???%)
  Manticore Hair (Hraesvelg) (???%)
  Manticore Hide (Hraesvelg) (???%)
  Marid Hair (Hildesvini) (???%)
  Marid Hide x2 (Hildesvini) (???%)
  Wivre Horn (Nihhus) (???%)
  Wivre Hide (Nihhus) (???%)
  Wivre Maul (Nihhus) (???%)
  Angelstone (???%)
  Platinum Ingot (???%)
  Gold Ingot (???%)
  Scintillant Ingot (???%)
  Adaman Ingot (???%)
  Khroma Ore (???%)
  Abjurations:   Hadean Abjuration: Feet (???%)
  Hadean Abjuration: Hands (???%)
  Phantasmal Abjuration: Hands(???%)
  Phantasmal Abjuration: Legs (???%)
  Wyrmal Abjuration: Head (???%)
  Earthen Abjuration: Legs (???%)
  Neptunal Abjuration: Head (???%)
  Neptunal Abjuration: Legs (???%)
  Dryadic Abjuration: Feet (???%)

Monsters Found Here[]

Note: Monsters link by sight or sound depending on their behaviors outside. They no longer link the entire chamber once pulled. (As of the June 2008 update). Be aware though, that Undead have a higher Blood Aggro radius than outside. When pulled, it appears that everyone in the alliance gains hate, regardless of whether or not they have acted on the mobs. Members of other alliances will not necessarily gain hate once the first alliance dies.

The chamber appears to select two groups of monsters from the below list of normal monsters. The number of monsters varies with the type chosen, and are always in groups of 6 or 12. Either two groups of monsters and a weaker boss or one group of monsters and a strong or weak boss will load.Verification Needed

Normal Monsters
Name Family
Bugard-X Bugards
Chigoe Chigoes
Craven Einherjar Ghosts
Dark Elemental Elementals
Djigga (Occasionally spawn from Hildesvini) Chigoes
Einherjar Eater Worms
Hazhalm Bat Giant Bats
Hazhalm Bats Bat Trios
Hyndla Hounds
Infected Wamoura Wamoura
Logi Bomb
Nickur Doomed
Rotting Huskarl (Warrior) Skeletons
Rotting Huskarl (Black Mage) Skeletons
Sjokrakjen Sea Monks
Special Monsters
Name Family
Huginn Bird
Muninn Bird
Heithrun Sheep
Saehrimnir Tiger

Huginn, Muninn, Heithrun or Saehrimnir will not be immediately seen. They will pop as you progress through the chamber's monsters. Muninn and Saehrimnir will leave behind a message stating "the chamber's stagnant aura has somewhat cleared" if defeated or left to depop respectively.

  • Huginn will leave behind an Armoury Crate containing various consumable items upon defeat.
  • Muninn will weaken the enemies upon defeat.Verification Needed A message stating "the creatures lurking in the shadows have calmed" will be received.
  • Heithrun is the rarest of the four and will double the items in treasure chest after defeating boss.
  • Saehrimnir will strengthen the enemies if left to despawn.Verification Needed A message stating "the creatures lurking in the shadows have become restless" will be received.

These four "Notorious Monsters" (especially Saehrimnir) may come by your alliance camp during pulls. If sighted, inform the designated puller immediately. They spawn and de-spawn at an extremely fast rate and must be taken care of immediately.

Historical Background[]

Rossweisse is the name of one of the Valkyries in Richard Wagner's opera Die Walküre.


List of Roles in Die Walküre

v  d  e
Einherjar Navigation
Wing 1: Rossweisse's Chamber | Grimgerde's Chamber | Siegrune's Chamber
Wing 2: Helmwige's Chamber | Schwertleite's Chamber | Waltraute's Chamber
Wing 3: Ortlinde's Chamber | Gerhilde's Chamber | Brunhilde's Chamber
Valgrind: Odin's Chamber
Rewards: Therion Ichor | Abjurations
Other: Kilusha | Hazhalm Testing Grounds | Smouldering Lamp | Glowing Lamp