
Monipulator Overview[]

Type: Birds
Family: Rocs
Weak against: Amorphs, Ice Ice Piercing Weapons: Dagger, Polearm, Archery, Marksmanship, Shuriken, Sharpshot Frame
Strong against: Wind WindSlashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge FrameBlunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame
Killer Trait: Aquan Killer
Size: Medium
Movement Speed: 150%

Rocs are some of the largest and deadliest birds on Vana'diel. With high evasion and multi-hit attacks, rocs can evade what you throw at them and then counter with a relentless blow of attacks. Even the most prepared and experienced forces should be wary.

Note: because they cannot wield Instruments, rocs can only have one song active at a time.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraits

Monster Skills[]

Level  Name TP(%)  Description
1 Blind Vortex 100 Deals 200% physical damage. Additional effect: Blindness.
10 Giga Scream 100 Delivers a threefold attack.
20 Dread Dive 100 Deals 200% physical damage. Additional effects: Knockback, Stun.

30 Feather Barrier 50 Enhances evasion.
40 Stormwind 150 Deals 300% wind damage to enemies around the caster.

Monster Traits[]

White Mage Traits[]

Level  Name
10  Magic Defense Bonus
20  Clear Mind (No effect)
21  Tranquil Heart
25  Auto Regen
30  Magic Defense Bonus II
35  Clear Mind II (No effect)
50  Clear Mind III (No effect)
50  Divine Veil
50  Magic Defense Bonus III
50  Divine Benison
60  Divine Benison II
Level  Name
65  Clear Mind IV (No effect)
70  Divine Benison III
70  Magic Defense Bonus IV
76  Auto Regen II
80  Clear Mind V (No effect)
80  Divine Benison IV
81  Magic Defense Bonus V
85  Shield Defense Bonus (No effect)
90  Divine Benison V
91  Magic Defense Bonus VI

Bard Traits[]

Level  Name
05  Resist Silence
25  Resist Silence II
45  Resist Silence III
65  Resist Silence IV
80  Critical Defense Bonus
81  Resist Silence V
85  Fencer (No effectVerification Needed)
95  Fencer II (No effectVerification Needed)

Spell List[]

White Mage Spell List[]

Level  Spell
01  Cure
03  Dia
04  Paralyze
05  Banish
05  Barstonra
06  Poisona
07  Barsleepra
07  Protect
07  Protectra
09  Barwatera
09  Paralyna
10  Aquaveil
10  Barpoisonra
11  Cure II
12  Barparalyzra
13  Baraera
13  Slow
14  Blindna
15  Banishga
15  Deodorize
15  Silence
16  Curaga
17  Barfira
17  Shell
17  Shellra
Level  Spell
18  Barblindra
18  Diaga
19  Blink
19  Silena
20  Sneak
21  Barblizzara
21  Cure III
21  Regen
23  Barsilencera
25  Barthundra
25  Invisible
27  Protect II
27  Protectra II
28  Stoneskin
29  Cursna
30  Banish II
31  Curaga II
32  Erase
34  Viruna
36  Dia II
37  Shell II
37  Shellra II
39  Barvira
39  Stona
40  Banishga II
Level  Spell
40  Haste
40  Cura
41  Cure IV
43  Barpetra
44  Regen II
45  Flash
47  Protect III
47  Protectra III
48  Repose
50  Holy
51  Curaga III
55  Auspice
57  Shell III
57  Shellra III
61  Cure V
61  Esuna
63  Protect IV
63  Protectra IV
65  Banish III
65  Sacrifice
66  Regen III
68  Shell IV
68  Shellra IV
71  Curaga IV
Level  Spell
75 (Merit)  Protectra V
75 (Merit)  Shellra V
76  Protect V
76  Shell V
78  Baramnesra
80  Cure VI
81  Boost-VIT
83  Cura II
84  Boost-MND
86  Regen IV
87  Boost-CHR
90  Boost-AGI
91  Curaga V
93  Boost-STR
93  Addle
95  Holy II
96  Boost-INT
96  Cura III
99  Boost-DEX

Bard Song List[]

Level  Song
01  Knight's Minne
03  Valor Minuet
05  Army's Paeon
07  Foe Requiem
09  Herb Pastoral
10  Light Threnody
11  Sword Madrigal
12  Dark Threnody
13  Sheepfoe Mambo
14  Earth Threnody
15  Army's Paeon II
16  Foe Lullaby
16  Water Threnody
17  Foe Requiem II
18  Wind Threnody
19  Scop's Operetta
20  Fire Threnody
21  Knight's Minne II
22  Enchanting Etude
22  Ice Threnody
23  Valor Minuet II
24  Lightning Threnody
24  Spirited Etude
25  Mage's Ballad
Level  Song
26  Learned Etude
27  Horde Lullaby
28  Quick Etude
29  Advancing March
30  Vivacious Etude
31  Hunter's Prelude
32  Dextrous Etude
33  Fowl Aubade
33  Magic Finale
34  Sinewy Etude
35  Army's Paeon III
36  Light Carol
37  Foe Requiem III
37  Raptor Mazurka
38  Earth Carol
39  Battlefield Elegy
40  Water Carol
41  Knight's Minne III
42  Wind Carol
43  Valor Minuet III
44  Fire Carol
45  Army's Paeon IV
46  Ice Carol
47  Foe Requiem IV
48  Lightning Carol
Level  Song
49  Goblin Gavotte
50  Dark Carol
51  Blade Madrigal
53  Dragonfoe Mambo
54  Gold Capriccio
55  Mage's Ballad II
56  Shining Fantasia
57  Foe Requiem V
59  Carnage Elegy
60  Victory March
61  Knight's Minne IV
62  Bewitching Etude
63  Valor Minuet IV
64  Logical Etude
65  Army's Paeon V
66  Sage Etude
67  Foe Requiem VI
68  Swift Etude
69  Puppet's Operetta
70  Vital Etude
71  Archer's Prelude
71  Goddess's Hymnus
72  Uncanny Etude
73  Chocobo Mazurka
Level  Song
73  Warding Round
74  Herculean Etude
75  Maiden's Virelai
75 (Merit)  Adventurer's Dirge
75 (Merit)  Foe Sirvente
76  Foe Requiem VII
78  Army's Paeon VI
80  Knight's Minne V
81  Earth Carol II
82  Sentinel's Scherzo
83  Foe Lullaby II
84  Water Carol II
85  Mage's Ballad III
87  Valor Minuet V
87  Wind Carol II
90  Fire Carol II
92  Horde Lullaby II
93  Ice Carol II
95  Pining Nocturne
96  Lightning Carol II
99  Light Carol II
99  Dark Carol II

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Roc Instinct I Wind Wind+40 Accuracy+10 Mambo+2 5 30
Roc Instinct II STR+15 "Double Attack"+1% "Store TP"+6 7 60
Roc Instinct III Evasion+30 Resist Silence+40 Physical Damage Taken-5% 9 90
