
Successful Strategies


Realatively easy fight. 4 BLM used timed -aga to start while the 5th timed ES sleepga II to land after the agas hit. second volley of -agas killed all the gobs and took nanaa down quite a bit. At this point she popped one add. Sleepga'd Nanaa and the add and rested MP. all 5 blm's timed AMII on the add to kill it in one cast. rested MP again, keeping nanaa slept. 4 blms then timed an AMII 2 on Nanaa and she popped the other add, and the 5th sleepga'd again. At this point, all 5 blm timed an AMII on Nanna which finished the fight. WHM was ther to remove debuffs, buff the BLMs and keep others alive, and actually had to Repose the first add initially. We fought in the hall in case of a wipe. Fight took about 14.5 mins and only 1 death from an unlucky King Cobra Clamp, curaga III used a few times after sleepgas. 1 blm 2 hour used but not nessecery. pretty easy fight and MP wasnt a problem after the gobs were killed due to the ease of keeping the mithra slept. Malachai, Jaydog, Leonidus, Sactown, Jrspoon, and Sollo: Cerberus server


We barely won this battle. Upon entering, the Rdm/Blm casted Elemental Seal/sleepga on all the mobs, the Brd/whm casted attack songs on the melee. Once the goblins were dead, the melee attacked the sleeping mithra. The melee pulled Nanaa through the door and continued to fight her in the hallway. The Rdm/Blm slept Nanaa's Mithra helpers, which only lasted two minutes at the most. Nanaa repeatedly used her weaponskills taking the melee's HP down. Just as the Rdm/blm cured everyone, Nanaa used King Cobra Clamp once taking everyones HP down to the brink of death, however the Sam/War died. Brd/Whm assisted with curing while Rdm/Blm converted then cured. The Rdm/Blm continued to sleep the Mithra helpers with no problem while resting mp in-between. Nanaa used King Cobra Clamp again and two melee died. While the Rdm/Blm began to reraise both mithra helpers woke up and started attacking the Rdm who died. The entire party wiped. The three Mithra's went through the door into the arena where they healed 100%. Once the last person was raised, still weakened, the Rdm/blm slept the mithra helpers and casted Bio and Poison on Nanaa. The SAM used the only 2-hr available then everyone hit it. Nanaa got down to about 10% and four members of our party died. The DRG fought Nanaa as the SAM reraised. Rdm/Blm recasted Bio and Poison. Everyone was in the red but we won by our teethgrit. Again? No thanks!!


Fight was beyond easy. Open with ES+Sleepga: Proceed to kill the 3 Goblins in any order you wish (faster to take down one at a time). Nanaa should wake up somewhere around the end of the final Gob. Proceed to smack around Nanaa a bit until she Perfect Dodges (assuming a well balanced party, will probably summon first Mithra helper at this time. Sleep Nanaa and take out Mithra (sleep THF when it uses Perfect Dodge). Kill add when dodge wears and then wail on Nanaa a bit and sleep second link and kill Nanaa ending battle.

Everyone but tank stand behind Nanaa to avoid Cone AoE. If you've done BCNM's with multiple mobs before, this should be a breeze for you.


Opened with timed Thundaga III (took Nanaa down to 85%, and the Gobs down to 2/3 or so HP left), then quick Sleepga II. Monk and RNG duo'd each Gob together (weaponskilling with Icarus wings off the bat to grab more hate than the Thundagas. Gobs all went down very easily, Nanaa still asleep... After the Gobs were dead the BLMs timed AM II'd Nanaa doing about 10-20% of her HP each volley then reslept Nanaa. She popped helper Mithra twice and the MNK and RNG went after and duo'd them. They were tougher than the gobs and did dagger-weaponskills for a good bit of damage. Overall not terribly hard. Few more timed volley from the BLMs and she was dead. Took about 15 minutes, no death, very easy.


pretty easy Clamp attack hit once or twice with great effect, but Nanaa is so susceptable to sleep you can take your time with this fight.


I was concerned at the lack of a 6th, proper tank, or Sleepga but the fight was ridiculously simple and could be coordinated through the auto-translator. Plan was for DDs to start with Gobs while Nanaa slept. RDM kited one gobling, DDs bumrushed the other, SCH held the third till RDM could sleep it. All three were down by the time Nanaa woke up with each lasting 2-3 WSes. We chose to fight Nanaa on the stairs (not wanting to bother with the door) with the SCH and RDM standing on either side and the DDs forming a triangle around her. Scholar's Accession + Stoneskin was invaluable to surviving, although we were lucky with TP moves: Nanaa only used King Cobra Clamp twice and favorite Dagger WSes (Evisceration, Dancing Edge, Wasp Sting) instead. When she summoned a helper the RDM slept Nanaa while DDs dealt with add until the add PD'd, at which point the RDM would sleep the add and the DDs would work on Nanaa again. SAM dropped into the red once, and WAR went down with Nanaa at 28% due to a poorly timed King Cobra Clamp (which connected for 598, thanks to Accession + Stoneskin) and Evisceration from Cha. After the WAR dropped, the SAM two-houred after this although it was mostly unnecessary and done to speed things up. Clear time was 9:24


Did the usual ES+sleepga2 to start, killed the goblins one by one, then focused on Nanaa. Slept the mithra adds when they showed up, no problem. Nanaa killed the MNK at the end, but we cleared in 7:36. WHM went /BLM for sleepga help, but it wasn't needed. WHM/SCH would have been better.


We did very well on this fight, took out the 3 gobs first, then focused on Nanaa. Slept the Mithra adds when they showed up. We lost the NIN twice but he was smart enough to bring RR items. I killed her on the last shot with Spirits Within at 100% TP. Pretty easy fight.


Easily won. Fearing that Nanaa's King Cobra Clamp could kill anyone who took a few hits, we acted like overprotective mothers and asked the Samurai to sub Ninja, and this was a mistake. Really, there wasn't any need, and they should've gone /WAR or /DRG. In the beginning, one of the BLMs used Elemental Seal + Sleepga II, which easily slept everything. The Goblins were attacked in the order of RDM > WAR > THF. Nanaa did wake up shortly before the THF's defeat, and was easily slept again with a single Sleep II. Following the Goblin THF's defeat, Nanaa was attacked. The BLMs and WHM stayed safely behind her as the PLD tanked. Although the SAMs used Skillchains so the BLMs could Magic Burst, this was not necessary. Sleep II was also cast on Nanaa when she used Perfect Dodge. King Cobra Clamp was used once on our full HP PLD, who was wearing the complete Iron Ram set, and they were in the yellow afterward, not the red. As she was already nearly dead, and the BLMs had plenty of MP left over -- even with sleeping each of Nanaa's flunkies when they appeared -- AM II was used for giggles. She was finally defeated by the WHM's Holy, since the WHM really didn't need to Cure anyone at that point, either.
