This Maze requires the creator to use Maze Voucher 09
  • You can also talk to Sadistiq to use your C.C. Points to buy temporary items to aid you in the fight.
  • Different mobs will be able to be selected as the party leader's rank increases.
  • Each fight consists of 1 large NM Monster with no HP bar, you can use a Maze Pearl to determine the amount of HP the NM has left.
  • You do not need to actually kill the mob to get rewarded, even if all party members die or time runs out you can still achieve a reward based on the HP remaining on the mob. Just trade your MMM Member Card back to Sadistiq.
  • The monster spawned does not change its level based on the lowest party members level. Verification Needed
  • The battlefield time is 30 minutes, however once the monster is spawned it will stay for 15 minutes. Verification Needed
  • Mob family maze runes gives advantage in killing the specific NM Monster.
  • When the NM is defeated two treasure boxes spawn where it initially popped at.
  • In order to record progress you must speak with Sadistiq inside battlefield to obtain a MMM Member's Cd. card. Upon completion you must trade the card back to the moblin in order to record your progress.

Spending CC Points[]

Type Cost Items
Medicine 1 CC Elixir,Instant Reraise,Vicar's Drink
2 CC Body Boost,Mana Boost,Hi-Elixir
3 CC Fool's Drink,Fanatic's Drink,Revitalizer
Status Effect 1 CC Resist Vs +50 Resist Vs +50 Resist Vs +50 Resist Vs +50 Resist Vs +50 Resist Vs +50
2 CC Reraise (Status Effect)
3 CC Regen (Status Effect) 30HP/tick, Refresh (Status Effect) 5MP/tick

Temporary Items[]

Marble Cost Items
3 Marbles Hi-Potion
5 Marbles X-Potion
Super Ether
8 Marbles Dusty Elixir
Shepherd's Drink
12 Marbles Healing Powder
Mana Powder
Cleric's Drink
17 Marbles Champion's Drink
Monarch's Drink
Gnostic's Drink
23 Marbles Spy's Drink
Dusty Wing
30 Marbles Barbarian's Drink
Fighter's Drink
Oracle's Drink


Higher tiers are unlocked by winning:

Tier Notorious Monster Family Type EXP Reward Notable Drop
Tier 1 Babalu Aye Vermin Diremite 1000 EXP Tern NecklaceRare
Ferox VizorRareExclusive
Egungun Amorph Slugs 1000 EXP Tern NecklaceRare
Suijin KabutoRareExclusive
Gumdrop Flan 1000 EXP Tern NecklaceRare
Calm PigachesRareExclusive
Tier 2 Chuhaister Plantoid Goobbue 2000 EXP Tern StoneRare
Praecis GorgetRareExclusive
Hippalectryon Birds Hippogryph 2000 EXP Tern StoneRare
Leste JambiyaRareExclusive
Kuperan Arcana Golem 2000 EXP Tern StoneRare
Arcane CuffsRareExclusive
Tier 3 Tupilaq Undead Corse 3000 EXP Tern CapeRare
Arcane SlopsRareExclusive
Scultone Dragons Dragons 3000 EXP Tern CapeRare
Vetala SwordRareExclusive
Skoll Beasts Gnole 3000 EXP Tern CapeRare
Lunaris ClawsRareExclusive
Tier 4 Shadhavar Elementals Monoceros 5000 EXP Ferus AlgolRareExclusive
Arcane RobeRareExclusive