
Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Quicksand Caves
Type Dungeon
Quicksand-caves 1
Quicksand-caves 2
Quicksand-caves 3
Quicksand-caves 4
Quicksand-caves 5
Quicksand-caves 6
Quicksand-caves 7
Quicksand-caves 8
Map Acquisition Coffer or Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Escape Able to call Adventuring Fellow Able to use Tractor

Ffxi hby 08

Ffxi gld 01


Double Earth

Double Fire

Region Kuzotz
Expansion Rise of the Zilart
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music None
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes For the weight trigger doors, you need players with a combined weight value of 3 or higher to stand on the pad in order to open the door (Galka = 3 units, Hume/Elvaan/Mithra = 2 units, Tarutaru = 1 unit) (NPCs do not work on the weight pads)

Alternatively, complete Open Sesame to receive a Key ItemLoadstone and open these doors instantly without meeting the weight requirement.


Once a thriving metropolis for the proud Galka, these caves still house numerous monolithic pillars and statues that, in many places, remain untouched by the sands of time. However, long ago, the Antica drove the Galka from their homes, and the tunnels were transformed into a giant nest. As a result of the constant digging of entrances and exits by the insect-like beings, the caves are relentlessly bombarded with a flow of sand from the desert above. It will not be long before the caves are completely filled and a piece of Galkan history is lost forever. However, this is of no concern to the Antica...


Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
Beam Me Up... No, Not There! General Anastase    Ru'Lude Gardens G-9
Borghertz's Dragon Hands DRG AF Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Loyal Hands SAM AF Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Crying Over Onions General Kohlo-Lakolo    Port Windurst G-5
Further Founts General Anastase    Ru'Lude Gardens G-9
Old Wounds Weapon Skill Curilla    Chateau d'Oraguille I-9
Open Sesame General Lokpix    Eastern Altepa Desert G-7
The Missing Piece Scroll Alfesar    Rabao H-7
The Opo-opo and I General Lulupp    Kazham G-7
VW Op. 101: Detour to Zepwell Voidwatch Gushing Spring    Rabao G-8
Mission Nation Starter Location
Coming of Age San d'Oria San d'Orian Gate Guard San d'Oria
The Chains That Bind Us Bastok Bastok Gate Guard Bastok
Moon Reading Windurst Windurst Gate Guard Windurst
Rescue! A Moogle's Labor of Love Moogle Kupo d'Etat Moogle Upper Jeuno H-8

Other Information[]

Item Abundance
Gil: 6,160 - 16,100 (??? Gil)More data needed
77.3%More data needed.(77.3%)
Aquamarine 0%More data needed.(0%)
Chrysoberyl 9.1%More data needed.(9.1%)
Drachen Greaves 101%Received with quest active
Fluorite 0%More data needed.(0%)
Jadeite 4.5%More data needed.(4.5%)
Map of the Quicksand Caves 101%Received if not previously obtained
Myochin Haidate 101%Received with quest active
Painite 4.5%More data needed.(4.5%)
Sunstone 4.5%More data needed.(4.5%)

Quicksand Coffer Key

Treasure Maps
QuicksandCavesChests1 QuicksandCavesChests2

Fish Cap Body of Water
Crayfish 7 All
Cave Cherax 110+ All
Rusty Subligar 0 All

Fishing Map

Possible Weather Weather Reporter
Resist VsResist Vs Information Needed
Resist VsResist Vs

Elemental Maps

Individual Training[]

Area of Book Pg Tgt. Level Max Level Mobs to Fight XP/Gil Tabs
Quicksand Caves 1 51~55 70 1310-??? 131-???
2 51~58 ? 1360-2720 136-272
3 51~59 ? 1230-2460 123-246
4 52~59 99 1480-2960 148-296
5 52~59 ? 1470-2940 147-294
6 56~59 99 1360-2720 136-272
7 62~65 99 1570-3140 157-314
8 65~69 ? 1540-3080 154-308
Brown Casket Blue Casket
Item Abundance Item Abundance
Voiddust 4%More data needed.(4%) AntidoteTemporary 14.3%More data needed.(14.3%)
Xanthous Cell 8%More data needed.(8%) CatholiconRareExclusiveTemporary 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
Jade Cell 8%More data needed.(8%) ElixirTemporary 9.5%More data needed.(9.5%)
Cobalt Cell 8%More data needed.(8%) Eye DropsTemporary 9.5%More data needed.(9.5%)
Ground Wasabi 4%More data needed.(4%) Hi-Ether +3Temporary 14.3%More data needed.(14.3%)
Seashell 4%More data needed.(4%) Hi-Potion +2Temporary 14.3%More data needed.(14.3%)
Gold Ore 8%More data needed.(8%) Hi-Potion +3Temporary 0%More data needed.(0%)
Hi-Potion +1 40%More data needed.(40%) Prism PowderTemporary 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
X-Potion +1 20%More data needed.(20%) Silent OilTemporary 0%More data needed.(0%)
Pro-Ether +1 28%More data needed.(28%) Super EtherTemporary 14.3%More data needed.(14.3%)
Ebony Log 8%More data needed.(8%) X-PotionTemporary 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
Rubicund Cell Echo DropsTemporary 19%More data needed.(19%)
Phoenix Feather Hi-Ether +2Temporary 9.5%More data needed.(9.5%)
Gold Thread Melon JuiceTemporary 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
Hi-Ether +1 Pamama au LaitTemporary 14.3%More data needed.(14.3%)
Giant Bird Plume RemedyTemporary 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
Dried Mugwort
Darksteel Breeches
Barrage Turbine
Beak Trousers
Silk Mitts
Darksteel Bolt Heads
Tanner's Torque RareExclusive 4%More data needed.(4%)

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type
Goblin Geologist J-11
Map 4

Notorious Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes

Antican Consul
75 Antican Pauldron
Berserker's Axe
Darksteel Ore
Warrior's Testimony
Antica Antican Consul Spawn Location

A, L, T(H)

Antican Legatus
72-74 Antican Pauldron
Company Sword
Darksteel Ore
Paladin's Testimony
Antica Antican Legatus Spawn Location

A, L, T(H)

Antican Magister
66 Antican Pauldron
Mythril Ore
Antica Antican Magister Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Antican Praefectus
65 Antican Pauldron
Mythril Ore
Save the Queen
Antica Antican Praefectus Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Antican Praetor
72-74 Antican Robe
Black Mage's Testimony
Darksteel Ore
Iron Ore
Scroll of Stone IV
Scroll of Stonega III
Antica Antican Praetor Spawn Location

A, L, T(H)

Antican Proconsul
65 Antican Robe
Mythril Ore
Iron Ore
Darksteel Ore
Scroll of Stone IV
Scroll of Stonega III
Antica Antican Proconsul Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Antican Tribunus
72-74 Antican Robe
Mythril Ore
Pharaoh's Bow
Antica Antican Tribunus Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Centurio X-I
Lottery Spawn
56-58 Adaman Ore
Antican Robe
Iron Ore
Darksteel Ore
Mythril Ore
Scroll of Quake
Scroll of Stone III
Scroll of Stone IV
Scroll of Stonega II
Scroll of Stonega III
Shaman's Cloak
Antica Centurio X-I Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Diamond Daig
70 Beetle Jaw
Beetle Shell
Insect Wing
Protecting Bangles
Beetles Diamond Daig Spawn Location

A, L, Sc

Hastatus XI-XII
65-68 Xhifhut Head Antica Hastatus XI-XII Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

60 Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizard Tail
Sand Gloves
Lizards Nussknacker Spawn Location


Proconsul XII
72 Adaman Ore
Antican Pauldron
Darksteel Ore
Iron Ore
Mythril Ore
Antica Proconsul XII Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Sabotender Bailarin
59 Bailathorn
Cactuar Needle
Cactuar Root
Cactus Stems
Sabotenders Sabotender Bailarin Spawn Location

A, L, H

Sabotender Bailarina
80-82 Dune Boots
Cactuar Needle
Cactuar Root
Cactus Stems
Sabotenders Sabotender Bailarina Spawn Location

A, L, H

Sagittarius X-XIII
57-58 Adaman Ore
Antican Robe
Darksteel Ore
Iron Ore
Loxley Bow
Mythril Ore
Antica Sagittarius X-XIII Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Triarius X-XV
72-74 Adaman Ore
Antican Pauldron
Darksteel Ore
Iron Ore
Mythril Ore
Pendragon Axe
Antica Triarius X-XV Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

Tribunus VII-I
60-62 Adaman Ore
Antican Pauldron
Darksteel Ore
Iron Ore
Mythril Ore
Antica Tribunus VII-I Spawn Location

A, L, H, Sc

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Antican Aedilis
62-72 Antican Robe
Iron Arrow
Ranger's Testimony
Rotten Meat
Scroll of Archer's Prelude
Xhifhut Strings
Gold Beastcoin Antica 25 A, L, H, Sc
Antican Antesignanus
62-72 Antican Pauldron
Paladin's Testimony
Rotten Meat
Gold Beastcoin
Iron Ore (Despoil)
Antica 28 A, L, H, Sc
Antican Hastatus
52-59 Antican Pauldron
Dhalmel Leather Missive
Mythril Ore
Quicksand Coffer Key
Rotten Meat
Mythril Beastcoin
Iron Ore (Despoil)
Antica 46 A, L, H, Sc
Antican Princeps
52-59 Antican Pauldron
Dhalmel Leather Missive
Mythril Ore
Quicksand Coffer Key
Rotten Meat
Mythril Beastcoin Antica 51 A, L, H, Sc
Antican Quaestor
62-72 Antican Robe
Black Mage's Testimony
Rotten Meat
Scroll of Stone IV
Scroll of Stonega II
Scroll of Stonega III
Gold Beastcoin
Iron Ore (Despoil)
Antica 29 A, L, H, Sc
Antican Signifer
52-59 Antican Acid
Antican Pauldron
Antican Robe
Mythril Ore
Quicksand Coffer Key
Rotten Meat
Xhifhut Body
Mythril Beastcoin
Iron Ore (Despoil)
Antica 47 A, L, H, Sc
Antican Triarius
62-72 Antican Pauldron
Darksteel Ore
Rotten Meat
Warrior's Testimony
Gold Beastcoin
Iron Ore (Despoil)
Antica 28 A, L, H, Sc
62-65 Scorpion Claw
Scorpion Shell
High-Quality Scorpion Shell
Scorpions 19 A, H, Sc
Helm Beetle
51-58 Beetle Jaw
Beetle Shell
Insect Wing
Quicksand Coffer Key
Beetles 35 L, S, Sc
Sabotender Bailaor
52-59 Cactuar Needle
Cactus Arm
Cactus Stems
Distilled Water
Quicksand Coffer Key
Cactuar Needle Sabotenders 25 A, H
Sand Digger
62-65 Ancient Salt
Copper Ore
Flint Stone
Zinc Ore
Worms 4 A, L, H
Sand Eater
51-59 Copper Ore
Flint Stone
Iron Ore
Quicksand Coffer Key
Zinc Ore
Worms 32 L, H
Sand Lizard
56-59 Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizard Tail
Quicksand Coffer Key
Lizards 27 L, H
Sand Spider
51-55 Spider Web
Quicksand Coffer Key
Spiders 16 L, H
Sand Tarantula
65-68 Spider Web Spiders 12 A, L, H
Spelunking Sabotender
62-68 Cactuar Needle
Cactus Arm
Cactus Stems
Distilled Water
Star Spinel
Cactuar Needle Sabotenders 11 A, H
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here[]

Name Family Spawns Notes
Ancient Vessel
Spawned Mission:The Mithra and the Crystal
Magic Pots 1 A, M
Centurio IV-VII
Spawned Mission: The Chains That Bind Us
Antica 1
Spawned Quest: Old Wounds
Scorpions 1
Spawned Mission: Coming of Age
Sea Monks 1
Failed coffer pick
Mimics 1
Princeps IV-XLV
Spawned Mission: The Chains That Bind Us
Antica 1
Triarius IV-XIV
Spawned Mission: The Chains That Bind Us
Antica 1
Spawned Mission: Coming of Age
Sea Monks 1
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
