Start NPC Jamal - Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5)
Requirements Speak to Jamal after receiving Trust: Rainemard
Repeatable No
Reward Cipher: Ark GK
1000 Sparks
5000 EXP
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Bundle of half-inscribed scrolls Temper Your Arrogance

This objective does not appear in your quest log, but it appears under RoE Quests 3 in the Other category in the Records of Eminence menu after it is unlocked.


Emerge victorious in combat against Ark Angel GK by using a phantom gem of rage on any difficulty level.

Players will be unable to receive the alter ego when trading the Cipher if on a Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission involving the Ark Angels, such as during "Exploring the Ruins." Completing that cutscene/mission will allow the cipher to be traded. Was locked out on trading from 2-6-2 and beyond 3-1-1. Cipher was not able to be traded until completion of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel mission 3-5-1 (Must obtain the cutscene after touching the cermet gate - cutscene shows the warriors of light)
