This is the third Puppetmaster Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.
Start NPC Iruki-Waraki - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-9)
Requirements Puppetmaster 50+
Items Needed Key ItemValkeng's Memory Chip
Key ItemToggle Switch
Title Granted Paragon of Puppetmaster Excellence
Repeatable Yes, by Erasing AF memory
Reward Puppetry Taj
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Operation Teatime Achieving True Power


The Remaining AF

After flagging Puppetmaster Blues and receiving the first cutscene you can speak to Dhima Polevhia to begin the process of having the remaining three artifact pieces crafted. Each piece requires materials and Imperial currency. When trading these items to Dhima Polevhia, trade the Synthesis Materials and the Imperial curreny together. The pieces are:
Puppetry Babouches
Puppetry Dastanas
Puppetry Tobe
  • Note: After trading the proper materials and fee to Dhima Polevhia you will have to wait until the next in-game day to receive your Puppetry piece. You must also wait for the previous piece to be crafted before you can start the next Puppetry piece.

The Fight[]

See Discussion page for strategies and notes.

  • The fight allows a maximum of 6 party members and the time limit is 30 minutes.
  • Buffs are not lost when entering the battlefield.


  • After 30 seconds, Valkeng changes frames depending on the type of the highest cumulative damage it has received.
  • If the highest damage percentage is physical, it changes into Valoredge.
  • If the highest damage percentage is magical, it changes into Stormwaker.
  • If the highest damage percentage is ranged, it changes into Sharpshot.
  • After the change, every 30 seconds, it reevaluates the damages it has received and changes accordingly. The calculation is based on the highest cumulative damage the automaton has received throughout the course of the battle.
  • Valkeng keeps a running tally of damage received from the three sources and changes frames based on that tally. When he does not change, he announces the largest percentage of the damage type that has been dealt to him.
  • If you hit Valkeng with a powerful attack (such as Ancient Magic II) and cannot produce enough cumulative damage in another type, he will be locked into the frame that corresponds to that attack for the duration of the fight. Plan accordingly.
  • All forms of Blue Magic are considered magical damage towards the above calculation. However, the Stormwaker frame receives no appreciable resistances to physical Blue Magic.


  • String Clipper consumes two shadows; Chimera Ripper consumes one.
  • Does not use Cannibal Blade or Bone Crusher.
  • Shield Bash ignores shadows.
  • Extremely high defense and physical damage reduction.
    • Example: Valkeng in Harlequin mode took upwards of 400 damage per hit from a level 99 Beastmaster's familiar, but after switching frames it only took 50-100 damage per hit.
  • Very fast attack speed. Blink tanking not recommended.
  • Weak Auto Regen trait.



  • Arcuballista takes one shadow and can be used from a distance.
  • Does not use Daze or Armor Piercer.
  • High accuracy and evasion.
  • Lower-than-average defense.
  • Fires a shot every 4-5 seconds; its ratio of melee attacks to ranged attacks is roughly 3:2.


  • When Valkeng changes forms, you may lose your target lock on it.

Game Description[]

Iruki-Waraki (Way of the Devout, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Iruki-Waraki has lost all faith in himself. Meet with his teacher and try to find a way to get Elisabeth to come around.