
Pugil Scales


Icon background
Handful of pugil scales
The hard and durable scales of a pugil.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 23~24 gil

Synthesis Recipes[]


Used in Recipes[]

Desynthesis Recipes[]


Obtained from Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Materials > Bonecraft Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.

Chocobo Digging[]

Zone Rarity
North Gustaberg
Konschtat Highlands

Dropped From[]

Name Level Zone
Pugil 1 - 5 East Ronfaure
Giddeus Pugil 2 - 5 Giddeus
Ghelsba Pugil 3 - 6 Ghelsba Outpost
Sea Pugil 10 - 14 Ship bound for Mhaura
10 - 20 Ship bound for Mhaura
Puffer Pugil 14 - 16 La Theine Plateau
15 - 17 Valkurm Dunes
15 - 18 Buburimu Peninsula
Land Pugil 15 - 17 La Theine Plateau
17 - 19 Carpenters' Landing
17 - 20 Jugner Forest
17 - 20 Pashhow Marshlands
18 - 20 Fort Ghelsba
20 - 23 Beadeaux
Ocean Pugil 15 - 19 Ship bound for Mhaura
Sand Pugil 18 - 20 North Gustaberg
Pirate Pugil 20 - 22 Ship bound for Mhaura
Davoi Pugil 20 - 23 Davoi
Fosse Pugil 22 - 24 Carpenters' Landing
Beach Pugil 23 - 25 Valkurm Dunes
23 - 26 Valkurm Dunes
Shoal Pugil 24 - 28 Buburimu Peninsula
Blind Moby 25 - 26 Gusgen Mines
Greater Pugil 25 - 27 Korroloka Tunnel
25 - 28 Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
28 - 30 Qufim Island
29 - 31 Carpenters' Landing
29 - 31 Gusgen Mines
30 - 32 Korroloka Tunnel
30 - 33 Korroloka Tunnel
30 - 33 Yhoator Jungle
32 - 34 Beaucedine Glacier
35 - 39 Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
35 - 39 Manaclipper
Fatty Pugil 25 - 35 Manaclipper
Buburimboo 30 - 31 Buburimu Peninsula
Vepar 32 - 34 Beaucedine Glacier
Big Jaw 35 - 37 Sea Serpent Grotto
36 - 38 Yhoator Jungle
37 - 39 Beadeaux
43 - 47 Yhoator Jungle
Jagil 35 - 38 Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Makara 35 - 38 Yuhtunga Jungle
43 - 45 Yhoator Jungle
46 - 49 Gustav Tunnel
46 - 49 Misareaux Coast
47 - 50 Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
49 - 52 Toraimarai Canal
Pug Pugil 4 - 8 East Sarutabaruta
8 - 10 La Theine Plateau
Apsaras 41 - 42 Beaucedine Glacier
Lancet Jagil 42 - 43 Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Grotto Pugil 44 - 47 Sea Serpent Grotto
Razorjaw Pugil 50 - 53 Yhoator Jungle
53 - 55 Den of Rancor
57 - 60 Sea Serpent Grotto
59 - 60 Cape Teriggan
Canal Pugil 57 - 59 Toraimarai Canal
Sea Hog 62 Sea Serpent Grotto
Stygian Pugil 63 - 65 Den of Rancor
63 - 65 Toraimarai Canal
63 - 67 Cape Teriggan
64 - 66 Kuftal Tunnel
64 - 66 Vunkerl Inlet (S)
65 - 67 Sea Serpent Grotto
73 - 76 Den of Rancor
Demonic Pugil 65 - 67 Boyahda Tree
70 - 72 Boyahda Tree
70 - 78 Dragon's Aery
73 - 76 Gustav Tunnel
Terror Pugil 66 - 70 Cape Teriggan
Mercurial Makara 68 - 70 Wajaom Woodlands
Suhur Mas 70 - 71 Mamook
Sicklemoon Jagil 73 - 76 Mount Zhayolm
Giant Pugil 9 - 11 Giddeus
Serra 49 Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Aipaloovik Unknown Phanauet Channel
Peak Pugil Information Needed Abyssea - Grauberg
Zoldeff Jagil 102 - 103 Foret de Hennetiel
Acerbic Jagil 102 - 104 Morimar Basalt Fields
Dirtcaked Jagil 106 - 108 Marjami Ravine

Despoiled From[]

Name Level Zone
Jagil 35 - 37 Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Peak Pugil Information Needed Abyssea - Grauberg
Zoldeff Jagil 102 - 103 Foret de Hennetiel
Acerbic Jagil 102 - 104 Morimar Basalt Fields
Dirtcaked Jagil 106-108 Marjami Ravine


Name Level Cap Zone
Shooting Fish Level 20, 15 minutes, 3 members Horlais Peak