AGI +2 INT +2 MND +2 CHR +2 +20
MP recovered while healing +10
Additional effect: Darkness damage
- 15% decrease to Light Element Magic Spells
- 15% increase to Dark Element Magic Spells
- +30 magic accuracy increase to dark based spells
- Charm success rate -15%
- +3 Avatar perpetuation cost for Carbuncle and Light Spirit
- -3 Avatar perpetuation cost for Diabolos, Fenrir, and Dark Spirit
- +15% increase to the weapon attribute Additional Effect: Dark Damage
- Magic Affinity +2
Other Uses[]
Synthesis Recipes[]
Woodworking (75/86)
- Yield: Dark Staff x 1
- HQ 1: Pluto's Staff x 1
- Wind Crystal
- 1 x Ebony Lumber
- 1 x Dark Bead
Used in Recipes[]
Chatoyant Staff Synergy (40/51)
Desynthesis Recipes[]
Obtained from Desynthesis[]
- None
How to Obtain[]
Auction House Category: Weapons > Staves
Cannot be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Only obtainable through synthesis.
Historical Background[]
Pluto, in Roman mythology, was the god of the underworld, the dead, and often associated with metals and jewels hidden in the dark places under the earth. It makes sense, therefore, to name the High Quality Dark Staff in honor of Pluto. The Apollyon NM Pluto shares a name with this staff in FFXI and additional information can be found there. The Greek counterpart of Pluto is Hades. Although very similar it has been noted that the Romans viewed Pluto as the god of a physical underworld and the Greeks saw Hades as the god of a more spiritual underworld. Extensive informatin concerning Hades can be found on the Hades page for which the Hades Earring, Hades Sainti and Hades Ring are named.