This is the third White Mage Artifact Armor quest - otherwise known as AF3.
Start NPC Door - Chateau d'Oraguille (H-8)
Requirements White Mage 50+
Items Needed Tavnazia Bell
Tavnazian Mask
Key ItemMagicked astrolabe
Title Granted Paragon of White Mage Excellence
Repeatable Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete
Reward Healer's Bliaut
← Previous Quest Next Quest →
Prelude of Black and White None


  • Enter Fei'Yin for another cutscene. Home Point #1 is closest.
    • If you are on Mission 5-1 for your country, you might get the cutscene for this first. Make sure to zone out and back in so that you see the cutscene with the prince and his aide.
  • Trade the Tavnazia Bell to the ??? at (G-8) to spawn the NM Altedour I Tavnazia.
  • Kill him to obtain a Tavnazian Mask.
    • If you wipe fighting this NM and he depops, you must obtain another Tavnazia Bell to make another attempt.
    • If you need to do this NM more than once, you must wait 15 minutes to respawn it.
  • Trade the mask to Narcheral upstairs in the cathedral in Northern San d'Oria (M-6) to complete the quest.

Game Description[]

Narcheral (Cathedral, Northern San d'Oria)
Once you've found a Tavnazia bell in the Eldieme Necropolis, journey to Fei'Yin and commence the battle against the undead.