Mission Name Phantasmic Heroes
Number 9-2
Title Granted Demonic Dreamer
Reward 22302 Oshasha's Treatise RareExclusive
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Oshasha Violation Skokkr Undrborn's Temptation


The Battlefield[]

  • You are transported to Throne Room (V). You must enter solo. You may not summon trusts. You have 15 minutes to complete the battle.
    • Buffs do not wear on entry.
  • You face the Shadowreign-era Shadow Lord. You have 5 NPC allies who engage alongside you:
  • The Shadow Lord has ~175k HP. He uses all of his Shadowreign-era abilities.
  • Your NPC allies are plenty sturdy and can withstand most of his attacks without your assistance. Focus on staying alive on jobs without much self-healing and grind out the fight. In the event that you die, your allies can whittle down a fair amount of the Shadow Lord's HP on their own and if they finish the fight it still counts as a win.

Game Description

Mission Orders
Translation of the Liber Daemonium has led you to learn of a demonic presence, Dvergr, in Leafallia. Oshasha and Valli are on the case, but Valli turned away for an instant and Oshasha was gone. Head to Leafallia and look for her.