Requirements: Level 60 or higher
(only one boss per run)
Dendainsonne (Behemoth)
Freke (Cerberuses)
Gorgimera (Khimaira)
Motsognir (Dvergr)
Stoorworm (Hydra)
Vampyr Jarl (Vampyr)
Repeatable: Yes
Reward: Key Item: Ortlinde's feather
1920 Ampoules of Therion Ichor (maximum)


  Armoury Crate:
  Gold Ingot (???%)
  Platinum Ingot (???%)
  Cerberus Meat (Freke) (???%)
  Khroma Ore (Freke) (???%)
  Dragon Blood (Vampyr Jarl) (???%)
  Chimera Blood (Vampyr Jarl) (???%)
  Hydra Meat (Stoorworm) (???%)
  Abjurations:   Hadean Abjuration: Legs (Stoorworm) (???%)
  Phantasmal Abjuration: Head (Stoorworm) (???%)
  Neptunal Abjuration: Head (Motsognir) (???%)
  Phantasmal Abjuration: Legs (Vampyr Jarl) (???%)
  Martial Abjuration: Feet (Freke) (???%)
  Aquarian Abjuration: Hands (Dendainsonne) (???%)
  Dryadic Abjuration: Feet (Motsognir) (???%)
  Martial Abjuration: Legs (Dendainsonne) (???%)

Monsters Found Here[]

The enemies come in three waves, with the first and second wave each featuring 1 type of the below enemies (excluding enemies spawned from bosses), and the third wave featuring 1-2 types of the below enemies plus a boss.

Note: The linking characteristics of the monsters found within of Einherjar will be consistent with those of their respective families.

Normal Monsters
Name Family
Audhumbla Buffalo
Berserkr Demon
Corrupt Einherjar Tauri
Djigga Chigoes
Experimental Poroggo Poroggos
Flames of Muspelheim Clusters
Hafgygr Scorpion
Idun Bhoots
Infected Wamoura Wamoura
Liquified Einherjar Flan
Logi Bombs
Manticore-X Manticores
Margygr Ahriman
Marid-X Marid
Odin's Jester Imps
Soulflayer Soulflayers
Utgarth Bat Giant Bats
Utgarth Bats Bat Trios
Vanquished Einherjar Skeletons
Wivre-X Wivres
Special Monsters
Name Family
Huginn Bird
Muninn Bird
Heithrun Sheep
Saehrimnir Tiger

Notes: Huginn, Muninn, Heithrun or Saehrimnir will not be immediately seen. They may spawn as you progress through the chamber's monsters. Muninn and Saehrimnir will leave behind a message stating "the chamber's stagnant aura has somewhat cleared" if defeated or left to despawn respectively.

  • Huginn will leave behind an Armoury Crate containing various consumable items upon defeat.
  • Muninn will weaken the enemies upon defeat.Verification Needed A message stating "the creatures lurking in the shadows have calmed" will be received.
  • Heithrun is the rarest of the four and will double the items in treasure chest after defeating boss.
  • Saehrimnir will strengthen the enemies if left to despawn.Verification Needed A message stating "the creatures lurking in the shadows have become restless" will be received.

v  d  e
Einherjar Navigation
Wing 1: Rossweisse's Chamber | Grimgerde's Chamber | Siegrune's Chamber
Wing 2: Helmwige's Chamber | Schwertleite's Chamber | Waltraute's Chamber
Wing 3: Ortlinde's Chamber | Gerhilde's Chamber | Brunhilde's Chamber
Valgrind: Odin's Chamber
Rewards: Therion Ichor | Abjurations
Other: Kilusha | Hazhalm Testing Grounds | Smouldering Lamp | Glowing Lamp