
This set of ornate and colorful robes designed specifically for White Mages continues the tradition of the distinctive white and red that makes the paramount healers of the worlds easily recognizable. Yet, just as there are noticeable differences between Borghertz's masterworks from the Crystal War and the San d'Orian influenced White Mage garb of modern day, the White Mages of Abyssea are decked out with more elaborate cuffs and frills than typically seen with their Vana'dielian counterparts. Once used by a great Hero of Abyssea, the true potential of this Empyrean armor is currently sealed and must be released through completing the Trials of the Magians.

Number of Pieces: 5
Cost to store: Not storable with armor depository NPC.
Storage Slip: Moogle Storage Slip 08


Hume male in full Orison attire.

Level Armor Piece How to Obtain
85 Orison Cap RareExclusive

[Head] All Races
DEF: 25 MP +15 MND +3
Lv. 85 WHM

5,000 Cruor

Abyssea - Attohwa

89 Orison Bliaud RareExclusive

[Body] All Races
DEF: 43 HP +25 MP +25
Lv. 89 WHM

1,500 Dominion Notes

Abyssea - Altepa

87 Orison Mitts RareExclusive

[Hands] All Races
DEF: 17 HP +10 MP +10 Enmity -2
Lv. 87 WHM

5,000 Cruor

Abyssea - Altepa

83 Orison Pantaloons RareExclusive

[Legs] All Races
DEF: 36 MND +2
Lv. 83 WHM

300 Resistance Credits

Abyssea - Attohwa

81 Orison Duckbills RareExclusive

[Feet] All Races
DEF: 13 HP +10 MP +10 MND +3
Lv. 81 WHM

Gold Sturdy Pyxis

Abyssea - Attohwa

Empyrean Accessories

Level Armor Piece
80 Orison Cape RareExclusive

[Back] All Races
DEF: 8 MP +10 Cure Potency +3%
Enmity -4
Lv. 80 WHM

84 Orison Locket RareExclusive

[Neck] All Races
HP +33 MP +33
Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
Lv. 84 WHM

90 Orison Earring RareExclusive

[Ear] All Races
"Cure" potency +2%
Enmity -4
Lv. 90 WHM

Set Summary[]
