
Job: Warrior Verification Needed
Family: Rocs
Crystal: Light
Weak to: Piercing

Notorious Monster



Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Misareaux Coast 57-60 1 Links, Detects by sight, Follows by scent
5,548~6,092 HP
??? MP


  • Lottery Spawn from a Diatryma at (G-5)-(G-6), window opens 60 minutes after last death.
    • The Placeholder is the 1st of 4 Diatryma on Wide Scan at (G-5)-(G-6).
      • Okyupete will appear on Wide Scan underneath the group of four Maneaters that are just after the four Diatrymas that has the placeholder.
    • Placeholder ID: DF
    • Diatryma respawn time is 5 minutes.
    • The NM spawns at the south-west corner of (G-5) by the water.
    • Has been seen to take over 6 hours to spawn.
  • Uses Triple Attack followed by Gliding Spike. Take caution if using shadows as Gliding Spike can stun and do high damage.
  • Seems to have Regain at low HP; used TP moves back to back at low HP.
  • NM required for Hunt #4 in Misareaux Coast
Hunt Registry Elusiveness Ferocity Required Scylds Rewarded Scylds Evolith Evolith
Tavnazian Safehold 6 6 0 25 Vs. Aquans: Evasion + 5 TriangleUpFilledWindWind Wind

Trial of the Magians[]


Okyupete is a variation of Ocypete (English translation: "swift wing"), one of the three harpies in Greek mythology. She was also known as Ocypode ("swift foot") or Ocythoe ("swift runner"). Ocypete was the swiftest of all the three harpies. According to the Greek mythological story even with her speed, she quickly ran out of energy and crash-landed on an island in the middle of the ocean and begged for mercy from the Gods. In Greek and Roman mythology the Harpies were creatures employed by the higher gods to carry out the punishment of crime. They were three in number : Aello, Ocypete, and Celaeno, or Podarge; and were said to be daughters of the giant Thaumas and the Oceanid nymph Electra.
