Mission Name Odin's Eye
Number 10-6
Title Granted Sender of Shadow
Reward Cornelia's Belt
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Duke Alloces's Decision Moglesse Oblige


  • Examine the Heroes' Gambit in Xarcabard (J-9) for a cutscene and a Key ItemDespairing psyche
    • If it ends with "Lost key item: Despairing psyche." then you just did the last cutscene of the previous mission, and must examine it again.
    • You may have to zone to get the next cutscene.

Click for map to Odin's Eye objectives

  • Head towards the nearby Trail Markings to enter Dynamis - Xarcabard. Your task is to now collect four additional psyche fragments from Twinkling Presences scattered around the zone. The Presences disappear once you have collected the corresponding key item.
  • Head towards the Zvahl Gates in Dynamis - Xarcabard at D-7 and examine the Before Castle Zvahl point of interest for a cutscene. You will be returned to present-day Xarcabard for another cutscene.
  • You will lose all your psyche fragments and obtain Key ItemRaebrimm's memento.
  • Travel to Bastok Mines (J-7) and speak with Gumbah to give him the memento and receive your rewards.


Game Description

Mission Orders
You finally meet up with Raebrimm. His soul has been severed in twain, and he appears to be suffering from partial memory loss. Collect the four pieces of his soul and head deeper in.