Family: Golems
Crystal: Light
Notorious Monster


Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Ro'Maeve Unknown 1 A, M, S
~??? HP
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants


  • Spawns at E-5 behind the Moongate.
  • Attacks relatively fast.
  • Melee attacks have the additional effect of Stun.
  • Uses only Thunder Break, which stuns all players within the area of effect.
  • Constant use of Thunder Break below 25% HP.
  • Thunder Break stuns last between 15 to 30 seconds. Combined with the frequent use, the NM can essentially stun lock parties.
Hunt Registry Elusiveness Ferocity Required Scylds Rewarded Scylds Evolith Evolith
Ru'Lude Gardens (I-10)
8 8 75 35 Lightning LightningBlue Magic: Magic Accuracy +Verification Needed

Historical Background[]

According to Gunai tribal legends, the Nargun is a fierce half-human, half-stone female creature that lived in the Den of Nargun, a cave under a rock overhang behind a small waterfall in the Mitchell River National Park, Victoria, Australia.

Aboriginal legend describes the Nargun as a beast that was all stone except for its hands, arms and breasts. The fierce creature would drag unwary travelers into its den, and any weapon directed against it would be turned back on its owner.
