
Mog House

The Mog House is a one-room apartment that has been set aside in the residential areas of each nation for the sole use of adventurers. Becoming an adventurer immediately entitles you to a Mog House, and you are free to furnish the rooms as you please. Furniture usually adds extra storage space to your Mog House and fills your Mog House with an elemental aura, resulting in special Traits called Moghancements. All rental fees are subsidized by the four nations as a part of the conquest policy taken up after the Crystal War. All Mog Houses come equipped with a Mog Safe.

Also, as the name implies, a Moogle is present in each Mog House. These Moogles have been dispatched by the Mog House Management Union (MHMU) to support adventurers by dealing with the matters of each individual Mog House. The Moogles’ jobs include the management of the renters’ goods, upkeep of the room, taking care of your plants and various other required services.

In addition to Mog Houses, Rent-a-Rooms are available for adventurers who travel far from their home nations, and are currently available in all major cities. These fully equipped rooms are also offered free of charge; however, the completion of an application form is necessary before an adventurer may enter. An NPC located immediately outside of the Rent-a-Room will assist you in your application. The rental room in Aht Urhgan also contains a Mog Locker that the adventurer can obtain for a small weekly fee and expand to All-Area Accessability.


Moghouse Exit Quests

See also
