
Monipulator Overview[]

Mandragora (White)
Type: Plantoids
Family: Mandragora
Weak against: Fire Fire Wind Wind Lightning Lightning Dark Dark Ice Ice Piercing Weapons: Dagger, Polearm, Archery, Marksmanship, Shuriken, Sharpshot Frame Vermin
Strong against: Resist Vs
Killer Trait: Beast Killer
Combat Skills: Guarding Skill
Size: Small

Through the process of evolution, this sentient form of plant life has developed its own independent culture; the society boasts clothing, homes, and a form of extrasensory communication. While seemingly cute and harmless in appearance, the Mandragoras' sense of values differs greatly from that of people or beastmen. These differences often cause friction between the species. The Mandragora receive nourishment from the sun via photosynthesis, which occurs in the leaves that grow on their heads. Merchants treasure these rare leaves, which can be sold for use in medicines and perfumes.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraits

Monster Skills[]

Level  Name TP(%)  Description
1  Wild Oats 50 Deals physical damage. Additional effect: VIT Down.
10  Scream 50 Reduces MND of enemies around the caster.
20  Photosynthesis 150 Grants the effect of "Regen" to the caster when used during daytime.
30  Leaf Dagger 80 Deals physical damage. Additional effect: Poison.
40  Dream Flower 120 Puts enemies around the caster to sleep.
50  Head Butt 100 Deals 200% physical damage.
60  Demonic Flower 100 Deals magic damage. Effect varies with HP and inflicts caster with Weakness.

Monster Traits[]

Level  Name
01  Martial Arts
05  Subtle Blow
10  Counter
15  Max HP Boost
16  Martial Arts II
25  Subtle Blow II
31  Martial Arts III
35  Max HP Boost II
45  Subtle Blow III
46  Martial Arts IV
51  Kick Attacks (No effect)
55  Max HP Boost III
61  Martial Arts V
65  Subtle Blow IV
70  Max HP Boost IV
Level  Name
71  Kick Attacks II (No effect)
75  Martial Arts VI
75 (Merit)  Invigorate
75 (Merit)  Penance
77  Tactical Guard
81  Counter IIVerification Needed
82  Martial Arts VII
85  Skillchain Bonus (No effect)
86  Max HP Boost V
87  Tactical Guard II
91  Subtle Blow V
95  Skillchain Bonus II (No effect)
96  Max HP Boost VI
96  Kick Attacks III (No effect)
97  Tactical Guard III

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Mandragora Instinct I DEX +5 Accuracy +10 Haste +1% 2 30
Mandragora Instinct II MND +5 Attack +10 DEF +10 Double Attack +1% 4 60
Mandragora Instinct III HP +3% Subtle Blow +3 Haste +3% 6 90
