
Malboro Vine


Icon background
Malboro vine
A vine cut from a malboro.
Still partly alive, the vine
twitches occasionally.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 241~247 gil
Guild Resale Price: 271~291 gil (limit: 25/gameday)
Garden Furrow: Seed (morbol appears when ready to harvest)

Used in Recipes[]

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Materials > Alchemy Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Price: Varies
Name Location Type
Gathweeda Aht Urhgan Whitegate (G-5) Guild Merchant
Wahraga Aht Urhgan Whitegate (G-5) Guild Merchant
Maymunah Bastok Mines (K-6) Guild Merchant
Odoba Bastok Mines (K-6) Guild Merchant


Tree Cuttings:
Flowerpot Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal None 6
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 9-13
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 1
00217 Brass Flowerpot None 04098 Wind Crystal 8
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal None 6
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 9
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04099 Earth Crystal 4-8
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04096 Fire Crystal 4-5
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 1
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04098 Wind Crystal 4-5
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal None 6
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 5-9
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 1
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal None 4-6
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 9
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 1
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal None 6
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04103 Dark Crystal 9
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04102 Light Crystal 1
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 04101 Water Crystal 9

Dropped by[]

Name Level Zone
Malboro 25-28 Pashhow Marshlands
Stroper 31-34 Ordelle's Caves
Ochu 34-37 Rolanberry Fields
Morbol 37-39 Davoi
Drooling Daisy (NM) 39-40 Rolanberry Fields
Morbolger (NM) 42-44 Ordelle's Caves
Anemone 45-46 Eldieme Necropolis
51-54 Yhoator Jungle
Overgrown Rose 45-48 Yuhtunga Jungle
47-50 Misareaux Coast
Rose Garden (NM) 50 Yuhtunga Jungle
Lunantishee 55-58 Riverne - Site #B01
Morbol Menace 67-70 Boyahda Tree
Great Ameretat 73-76 Aydeewa Subterrane
Demonic Rose 75-78 Boyahda Tree
76-79 Dragon's Aery
Voluptuous Vivian (NM) 85 Boyahda Tree

Stolen from[]

Name Level Zone
Malboro 25-28 Pashhow Marshlands
Ochu 34-37 Rolanberry Fields
Drooling Daisy (NM) 39-40 Rolanberry Fields
Morbolger (NM) 42-44 Ordelle's Caves
Overgrown Rose 45-48 Yuhtunga Jungle
47-50 Misareaux Coast
Anemone 51-54 Yhoator Jungle
Lunantishee 55-58 Riverne - Site #B01
Demonic Rose 76-79 Dragon's Aery


Name Zone Level Time Members
Contaminated Colosseum Horlais Peak 75 30 minutes 6

Treasure Caskets[]
