Magic Skill may refer to:
- Blue Magic Skill
- Dark Magic Skill
- Divine Magic Skill
- Elemental Magic Skill
- Enfeebling Magic Skill
- Enhancing Magic Skill
- Geomancy Skill
- Handbell Skill
- Healing Magic Skill
- Ninjutsu
- Singing Skill
- String Instrument Skill
- Summoning Magic Skill
- Wind Instrument Skill
Magic Skill indicates a job's proficiency with the use of spells pertaining to that skill. It is used in equations to determine accuracy, damage, and proc rate, typically by being compared to the enemy's own magical traits. Using spells that relate to a magic skill may grant a skill increase with that skill. It is unclear if the level of the target of the spell has an influence on rate or cap of skill increase with relevant skills, as with other skills. Magic Skill also determines the rate of casting interruption, with a high magic skill (relative to the target's level) rendering the caster less likely to be interrupted if they take damage during the cast.
Relevent data on accuracy calcuations, level caps and available spells can be found by following the links above for each respective magic skill.
- It is possible to raise skill level in Campaign Battles and Reives.
- It is possible to raise skill level in Level-Sync parties, but only as much as the capped level will allow.