
Start NPC Alib-Mufalib - Port Bastok (K-7)
Requirements Bastok Reputation 1
Repeatable No
Reward Blue Invitation Card

Ability for mercenaries to warp you to Whitegate


  • Talk to Alib-Mufalib who will give you the Key Item: Blue Sentinel Badge. He will tell you about his company, "Salaheem's Sentinels," which has been sanctioned by the Empire of Aht Urhgan and is currently recruiting new members.
  • Check the badge to get coordinates for the people you should talk to in each area.
  • You will know you've found the right person because you get an emote message: " <Your name>'s badge flashes brightly."
  • After you talk to all of the people for Bastok, return to Alib-Mufalib to receive a Blue Invitation Card (key item).
  • Once you have also signed up to be a whitegate mercenary, Alib-Mufalib will also teleport you to whitegate for 300g.

You will need to talk to:

Port Bastok (East to West)
(J-5) Kaede (northernmost house)
(F-5) Patient Wheel (north of Warehouse 2)
(F-6) Paujean (bottom floor of Warehouse 2)
(E-6) Hilda (Steaming Sheep Restaurant, walks on the top floor and occasionally down. However, she can still be talked to when on second floor.)
(F-8) Tilian (end of a pier west of Air Travel Agency)
Metalworks (all found on top floor)
(G-8) Raibaht (Cid's lab)
(G-8) Invincible Shield (outside Cid's Lab)
(G-7) Manilam (on top of Cermet Refinery)
(I-8) Kaela (between Consulate of Windurst & Consulate of Jeuno)
(K-7) Ayame (Inside north Cannonry)
Bastok Markets (East to West)
(K-10) Harmodios (Harmodios's Music Shop)
(J-10) Arawn (west of music store)
(I-9) Horatius (Inside Trader's Home)
(E-10) Ken (outside Mjoll's General Goods)
(E-11) Pavel (West Gate to South Gustaberg)
Bastok Mines (Clockwise, starting at Ore Street, upper floor to lower floor)
(H-5) Griselda (upper floor, Bat's Lair Inn)
(I-6) Goraow (upper floor, in stairwell of Ore Street)
(I-7) Echo Hawk (lower floor, end of dead end between houses, Ore Street)
(H-6) Deidogg (lower floor, past curve to the north, Ore Street)
(H-9) Vaghron (upper floor, southwest of Auction House, standing by corner wall)

Game Description[]

Alib-Mufalib (Beligen Square, Port Bastok)
The mercenary company "Salaheem's Sentinels" has asked you to help recruit new members.