Luopan has an identical name. If an internal link incorrectly referred you to this page, please change the link to point directly to Luopan.
When a Geomancer casts a Geocolure spell, a pet Luopan is summoned.
Job: Geomancer
Hit Points: HP (level 99)
Notable Traits:
- Luopans possess an aura that afflicts enemies or enhances allies within range.
- The type of aura depends on the spell that summons the Luopan.
- Luopans take only 50% damage from attacks.
- Luopans can be dismissed using the Full Circle ability. Doing so restores some of the Geomancer's MP based on the Luopan's remaining HP.
- A Luopan's HP gradually decreases over time, limiting its lifespan.
- Immobile.
- Because handbells are exclusive to Geomancers and are required to cast Geocolure spells, Luopans can only be called by main-job Geomancers.
- Because they occupy the pet slot, a Geomancer can have only one Luopan active at a time.
Indicolure Spells | |
Geocolure Spells | |
Luopans |
Magic Skills |