Type: BCNM |
Name | Level | Type |
Centurio XI-I (Ranger) x 1 | ?? | Antica |
Hoplomachus XI-XXVI (Paladin) x 1 | ?? | Antica |
Retiarius XI-XIX (Black Mage) x 1 | ?? | Antica |
Secutor XI-XXXII (Warrior) x 1 | ?? | Antica |
Rem's Tale[]
Depending on the difficulty level, party members receive up to a certain number of copies of Rem's Tale Ch. 4 (legs) as personal spoils when the chest is opened.
- Very Easy and Easy: Up to 1
- Normal: Up to 2
- Difficult: Up to 3
- Very Difficult: Up to 4
Magic Scrolls:
Crafting Materials:
- Various synergy fewells, gemstones, ores/ingots, threads/cloths, logs, and geodes
- Rem's Tale Chapter 4
Bonus Treasure[]
During a Macrocosmic Orb Campaign, the following rewards get added to the shared treasure pool from each defeated foe.
- Additional copies of Rem's Tale Chapters 1-5.
- Additional crafting materials.
- Various HQ Skirmish and Alluvion Skirmish stones.
- Frayed Sack (Pel), Frayed Sack (Fer), Frayed Sack (Tau)
- Alexandrite, Heavy Metal, pinches of High-Purity Bayld and their various containers.
- Various Dynamis currency.
- Supernal Abjuration: Head, Supernal Abjuration: Body, Supernal Abjuration: Hands, Supernal Abjuration: Legs, Supernal Abjuration: Feet
- Hexed Somen, Hexed Domaru, Hexed Tekko, Hexed Hakama, Hexed Sune-Ate, Hexed Somen -1, Hexed Domaru -1, Hexed Tekko -1, Hexed Hakama -1, Hexed Sune-Ate -1
- Isgebind's Heart, Itzpapalotl's Scale
- Flame Blade
- All have the Antican special attacks.
- Centurio XI-I has Eagle Eye Shot.
- Hoplomachus XI-XXVI has Invincible.
- Retiarius XI-XIX has Manafont.
- Secutor XI-XXXII has Mighty Strikes.
Home Point #1 to Quicksand Caves is the fastest way to get to the Chamber Of Oracles.
- Legion XI Comitatensis II Strategies