
Monipulator Overview[]

Type: Beasts
Family: Tigers
Weak against: Resist Vs, Resist Vs, Plants
Strong against: Resist Vs
Killer Trait: Lizard Killer
Size: Medium
Movement Speed: 150%

These large feline predators stalk their prey in the forests, wastelands and tundras of Vana' diel. Aggressive hunters that detect and track by sight and scent they prove to be a common hazard for new adventurers on their first trek to Jeuno. In combat they utilize their claws and fangs to rip into prey and opponents alike while at the same time are able to produce a paralyzing roar. Although mostly dark blue/black in color the smilodon members of the tiger family are elaborately colored.

How to Unlock:

Species Forms:

Table of Contents:
Monster SkillsTraitsSpells

Monster Skills[]

Level  Name TP(%)  Description
50  Roar 100 Paralyzes all enemies around the caster.
50  Razor Fang 150 Deals 200% physical damage.
50  Claw Cyclone 200 Deals 200% physical damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from caster.
50  Crossthrash 180 Deals 200% physical damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional effect: Knockback, Dispel
60  Predatory Glare 100 Stuns enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster.

Monster Traits[]

Main Job Traits: Thief
Level  Name
50  Gilfinder
50  Evasion Bonus
50  Treasure Hunter
50  Resist Gravity
50  Evasion Bonus II
50  Resist Gravity II
50  Treasure Hunter II
50  Evasion Bonus III
55  Triple Attack
60  Assassin
60  Resist Gravity III
70  Evasion Bonus IV
75  Resist Gravity IV
75 (Merit)  Aura Steal
75 (Merit)  Ambush
76  Evasion Bonus V
78  Critical Attack Bonus
81  Resist Gravity V
83  Dual Wield
84  Critical Attack Bonus II
85  Gilfinder II
87  Dual Wield II
90  Treasure Hunter III
98  Dual Wield III
Sub Job Traits: White Mage
Level  Name
50  Magic Defense Bonus
50  Clear Mind
50  Tranquil Heart
50  Auto Regen
50  Magic Defense Bonus II
50  Clear Mind II
50  Clear Mind III
50  Divine Veil
50  Magic Defense Bonus III
50  Divine Benison
60  Divine Benison II
65  Clear Mind IV
70  Divine Benison III
70  Magic Defense Bonus IV
76  Auto Regen II
80  Clear Mind V
80  Divine Benison IV
81  Magic Defense Bonus V
85  Shield Defense Bonus
90  Divine Benison V
91  Magic Defense Bonus VI

Monter Spells[]

Level  Spell
50  Cure
50  Dia
50  Paralyze
50  Banish
50  Barstonra
50  Poisona
50  Barsleepra
50  Protect
50  Protectra
50  Barwatera
09  Paralyna
50  Aquaveil
50  Barpoisonra
50  Cure II
50  Barparalyzra
50  Baraera
50  Slow
50  Blindna
50  Banishga
50  Deodorize
50  Silence
50  Curaga
50  Barfira
50  Shell
50  Shellra
50  Barblindra
50  Diaga
50  Blink
Level  Spell
50  Silena
50  Sneak
50  Barblizzara
50  Cure III
50  Regen
50  Barsilencera
50  Barthundra
50  Invisible
50  Raise
50  Reraise
50  Protect II
50  Protectra II
50  Stoneskin
50  Cursna
50  Banish II
50  Curaga II
50  Erase
50  Viruna
50  Dia II
50  Teleport-Dem
50  Teleport-Holla
50  Teleport-Mea
50  Shell II
50  Shellra II
50  Teleport-Altep
50  Teleport-Yhoat
50  Barvira
50  Stona
Level  Spell
50  Banishga II
50  Haste
50  Cura
50  Cure IV
50  Teleport-Vahzl
50  Barpetra
50  Regen II
50  Flash
50  Protect III
50  Protectra III
50  Repose
50  Holy
51  Curaga III
53  Recall-Jugner
53  Recall-Pashh
53  Recall-Meriph
55  Auspice
56  Raise II
56  Reraise II
57  Shell III
57  Shellra III
61  Cure V
61  Esuna
63  Protect IV
63  Protectra IV
65  Banish III
65  Sacrifice
66  Regen III
Level  Spell
68  Shell IV
68  Shellra IV
70  Raise III
70  Reraise III
71  Curaga IV
75 (Merit)  Protectra V
75 (Merit)  Shellra V
76  Protect V
76  Shell V
78  Baramnesra
80  Cure VI
81  Boost-VIT
83  Cura II
84  Boost-MND
86  Regen IV
87  Boost-CHR
90  Boost-AGI
91  Curaga V
93  Boost-STR
93  Addle
95  Holy II
96  Boost-INT
96  Cura III
99  Boost-DEX
99  Arise

Instincts Learned[]

Instinct Name Effect Faculty Point Cost Level
Tiger Instinct I Evasion+5 Resist Bind+30 Double Attack+1% 4 30
Tiger Instinct II DEX+10 Resist Stun+15 Haste+2% 6 60
Tiger Instinct III AGI+5 Haste+3% Movement Speed+8% 8 90

See Also[]
