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Leathercrafting Guide 1.0
by Ctownwoody of Asura
Sons of Valkrum Linkshell
Disclaimer: This worked for me and is based on my research and efforts on Asura. Prices are subject to some radical changes, but I still suggest going to ffxiah.com to research your particular server. Disclaimer #2: Notice that I haven't taken this (or any other guide) beyond 100 yet (aside from synths that would get you to 100 but are now used to get beyond 100). That is on purpose as demand for ingredients is so much higher than demand for the products that almost nothing beyond 100 is either profitable or cheap enough to do for skill. Disclaimer #3: I'm also researching taking the guide to 100. No plans to make a Leathercraft mule, like ever. But the idea of continuing to expand my guides is attractive. Feedback, like always, is appreciated.

Leathercrafting Tips[]

1. The guildshop in Sandy is rarely camped; you can get better prices at the AH. Sheep, Rams, Dhalmels, and Tigers are reasonably nearby, easily farmed, and have drop-rates ranging from great to okay. That being said, supply-issues can be overcome at the guild for a slight premium on AH prices.

2. Skins and Bones are great joint farming. My guides are built to avoid farming for synth materials, since the idea is to add value to the ingredients using your skill, rather than trade time for gil. However, Leathercraft and Bonecraft, especially in the under-70 range, share a lot of the same mobs for drops, and the mobs in question have generous drop-rates. If you do go farming, be sure to bring the materials to synth in the field as needed because skins usually don't stack, but the leathers that they make do stack. Rams, Dhalmels, Tigers, and Sheep are the most commonly-farmed mobs, in order of popularity (and value of their Bonecraft drops).

3. Leather-making uses either Windurstian Tea Leaves or Willow Logs. Tea leaves are better because they are cheaper and stack, but sometimes you can get one extra level of Skill out of Willow Logs, which makes the logs worth buying (at either Leather or Woodworking guilds in Sandy).

4. Leathercrafting is used to make various pieces of armor, either as the principle or a sub-craft, in at least a majority of armor sets in the game. While not a lot of these armor sets are very profitable or sell particularly well, there are a lot of these armor sets and you may want to make some of these sets yourself for the outside shot at skill or HQs.

5. Leather-making skins are not stackable (but non-Leather-making Skins are)**. Inventory space is therefore a concern, even if you never plan to leave San d'Oria. Getting the Gobbiebag expansions, therefore, is likely to pay off in the long run. Additionally, Dark Clusters, Distilled Water or Water Tank, and Windurstian Tea Leaves should be brought on field-trips when farming while minimizing their other gear you bring. **Most skins are now stackable to 12.

6. Leather-crafting is a subcraft in important Smithing, Goldsmithing, Clothcraft, and Bonecraft recepies. Skill-ups come more slowly as a sub-craft, but the lack of good recepies in some stretches can be overcome in this fashion.

7. Barring some 100+ synths that were recently-added, the only GP item worth getting, the +Skill items aside, is Leather Ensorcellment for Powder Boots (Flee enchantment). Tanning wasn't that great and got nerfed by recent changes that let you synth without delay between attempts, and Grounds of Valor removed the market for High Breath Mantles. So you should have a relatively straightforward path on GPs.

The Guide Itself[]


  • Sheep Wool (4)-Wind Crystal, Sheepskin x2--These recently are no longer worth the effort because prices have tanked for Wool Thread and Wool Cloth. You can make these if you want (if you are going slowly or trying to use random drops), but it might just save time and gil to skip ahead.


  • Solea (11)-Wind Crystal, Sheep Leather x2--You can try desynthing these to get the leather back or you can NPC them. Your choice, but make them to cap. Nothing good (stackables, sells quickly and/or profitably) or cheap between 7 and 21.
  • Wolf Fur (19)-Wind Crystal, Wolf Hide x3--These used to stink but demand for them is decent now that Wolf Felt, a Clothcraft 75 synth that requires 3 of these, is used for more items. Hides are 483 at the Guild, which will most-likely be your source as the AHs typically have too few of them. Either sell to a Clothcraft friend, or put up on Jeuno AH. You want to get to around 15+ at least to be able to do Dhalmel Leather.

TEST ITEM: Lizard Cesti (17)-Earth Crystal, Lizard Skin, Cesti-Pretty easy to make, Cesti are available at the Royal Armoury in North Sandy, and people make these for skill and NPC/AH them cheaply.


TEST ITEM: Dhalmel Mantle: Ice Crystal, Wool Thread, Dhalmel Hide: Plenty to be had as a cheap synth many use to skill up and as a common back armor.


TEST ITEM: Magic Belt: Wind Crystal, Ram Leather, Mercury, Toad Oil: Because of the expense of Toad Oil, I'd suggest checking the AH first.


  • Waistbelt (43)-Wind Crystal, Ram Leather x2, Grass Thread--If you farm at least half the Ram Skins yourself, this is the most profitable/break-even bridge between Ram and Tiger leathers, so cap on these. NPC these in batches and go back to farming to let the price go back up at the guildshop.

TEST ITEM: Cuir Bouilli: Water Crystal, Leather Vest, Beeswax, Ram Leather x2: Not incredibly expensive in Sandy, where the vest can be bought from an NPC.



  • Hard Leather Ring (62)-Wind Crystal, Tiger Leather--Cap on these for the extra level above Tiger Leather. These NPC for around 600, so it is a loss, but you'll be making a ton and a half of the Leather, which will let you get a net profit for the 50's, if not the entire 0-70 run.
  • Behemoth Leather/Behemoth Mantle (70)-Behemoth Hide + either standard Leather-making stuff or Mantle-making stuff. Both are capping type synths, the hides are pretty cheap, but the mantle will lose you gil and market for leather is profitable but sales are soft.