
Job: Warrior, Dark Knight, Monk
Family: Dragon

Notorious Monster



Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes
Abyssea - Uleguerand
1 Aggressive, Detects by true sight
~60,000 HP

Spawn Conditions[]

  • Spawns amongst the Adasaurus around (I-5)/(J-5) [Flux #6] every 10-15 minutes.
    • Unlike normal Dragon monsters, is not 'Long-facing'. This means he will not remain in the same position no matter where his current target is around him like some dragons.

Traits/Special Abilities[]

  • Flame Breath - Conal Fire-based damage.
  • Poison Breath - Conal Water-based damage and Poison.
  • Wind Breath - Conal Wind-based damage.
  • Voidsong - AoE buff and debuff removal, affects both players in range as well as Kur.
  • Thornsong - Gains the effect of weak damage spikes.
  • Lodesong - AoE Gravity.
  • Body Slam - Mid-high AoE physical damage. Absorbed by 1-3 shadow images.
  • Heavy Stomp - Mid-high AoE physical damage and Paralyze. Absorbed by 1-3 shadow images.
  • Chaos Blade - Conal Curse effect, extremely potent.
  • Immune to Bind, Gravity, Sleep.
  • Susceptible to Paralyze, Slow, Addle, Poison and Shadowbind
  • Will use any of the three TP move "sets" (In order as shown on the left) followed by one of three 2 hour abilities:
  • Breaths will be followed by Hundred Fists which is accompanied by a Gravity aura.
  • Songs will be followed by Blood Weapon which is accompanied by a Amnesia aura.
  • Slams will be followed by Mighty Strikes which is accompanied by an Paralyze aura.
  • Possesses Double Attack.
  • You can interrupt a TP move set, and subsequently inhibit the NM from using the corresponding 2hr for that particular set, by stunning any ability in that set. This can be done every time it tries to use a set. This will not work to stop it using a 2hr at all times though, on many occasions it will start at the beginning of a new set. (stunning breath may make it use song set instead etc.)


Kur is a common name referring to the underworld of the afterlife in ancient Mesopotamian religions (Wikipedia)
