
Kupon A-DXar


Icon background
Mog Kupon A-DXarExclusive
A prize redemption coupon from the
Mog Bonanza event. Issued by the Mog
House Management Union (MHMU).
Tradeable for equipment from
Dynamis - Xarcabard.
Stackable: 99

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Dealer Moogle[]

  • Trade and select 'Nothing for now.' to receive a Mog Kupon A-DXar - note that only one Mog Kupon of each type can be turned into a Temporary Key Item in this manner at any given time
  • Trade and choose a piece of level 75 Relic Armor from this list:
Dynamis-Xarcabard Relic Armor
Warrior's Lorica Melee Crown Cleric's Mitts Sorcerer's Petasos
Duelist's Chapeau Assassin's Armlets Valor Surcoat Abyss Burgeonet
Monster Gloves Bard's Cannions Scout's Jerkin Saotome Kabuto
Koga Tekko Wyrm Armet Summoner's Horn Mirage Keffiyeh
Commodore Tricorne Pantin Taj Etoile Casaque Argute Mortarboard

How to Obtain[]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered. Ffxiah-small
Cannot be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.

Special Events[]
