Koenig Cuirass Set (Tarutaru F)

The Koenig Set

A heavy set of strong metallic armor, this set adds massive bonuses to HP, Defense, Vitality, and Charisma (to enhance Killer Effects). Any heavy tank should be proud to have this set.
Like every abjuration set, this armor has a downside. In this case, the Koenig set has massive penalties to STR and DEX, crippling attack for the sake of defense. Also see the HQ version, Kaiser Cuirass Set.

Number of Pieces: 5 Level: 73 Jobs: WAR / PLD

Storable: Storable at Porter Moogle with Storage Slip 02

Set Summary[]


König is German for king. Family names derived from König are also spelled without the umlaut ö as Koenig or without correct transliteration of the umlaut just as Konig. The high quality version of this set is called Kaiser Cuirass Set, with Kaiser being German for emperor.
