Mission Name Kipdrix the Faithful
Number 10-4
Reward 20,000 gil
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101 Dazbogs Duke Alloces's Decision


  • Travel to Oldton Movalpolos (K-10) and speak with Tarnotik.
  • Enter Mine Shaft 2716 for a cutscene.
  • Return to Tarnotik for another cutscene.
  • Head for the Throne Room and examine the Throne Room door for another cutscene.
  • Examine the Throne Room door to enter a battlefield.
  • Emerge victorious for another cutscene and your reward

The Battlefield[]

You face 3 enemies, each with access to their corresponding job's SP ability:

You are joined by Dazbog and Magh Bihu. If either of them falls in combat you are ejected from the battlefield in failure.

Game Description

Mission Orders
According to your allies, Magh Bihu and Dazbog have already arrived in Movalpolos. They certainly seem to want you to meet the Gloom Phantom. Head to Mine Shaft #2716.