Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Kamihr Drifts
Type Outdoor
Kamihr Drifts Map
Map Acquisition Sifa Alani 2,000 bayld after FS has been built
Kamihr Drifts/HELM
Information Needed
Region East Ulbuka Territory
Expansion Seekers of Adoulin
Requirements Key ItemWatercraft
Key Item"Watercrafting"
(Yorcia Weald access)
Restrictions Information Needed
Background music
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes Mining possible in caves only

The Kamihr Drifts are a snow-covered land at the base of Mt. Kamihr, located beyond the dreary walls of the Woh Gates. The harsh conditions have long prevented entry into its chilling embrace. Beasts of all kinds have adapted to the atmosphere, which serves as yet another barrier to the progress of colonization.

Kamihr Drifts

Enter this zone from (I-4) Woh Gates (must enter Woh Gates from F-7 in Yorcia Weald) {North from Waypoint #3}

This zone exits to
Woh Gates at (K-11)
Outer Ra'Kaznar at (F-8)
Leafallia at (G-11) Blockaded Path

Home Point #1: (I-7)

Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
Breaking the Ice Survival Skills Traiffeaux    Kamihr Drifts K-10
No Love Lost Survival Skills Peppe-Aleppe    Kamihr Drifts K-10
Morimar (Mission) Mission   

Other Information[]

From 75 gathering attempts:
Item Drop Rate
02417 Aht Urhgan Brass 14.67% (11/75)
00768 Flint Stone 28% (21/75)
04057 Gelid Aggregate 2.67% (2/75)
00737 Gold Ore 6.67% (5/75)
01256 Ice Ore 5.33% (4/75)
00582 Meteorite SendableExclusive 16% (12/75)
01770 Oversized Fang 9.33% (7/75)
00736 Silver Ore 17.33% (13/75)

Kamihr Drifts/Soul Pyre

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type
Delivery Specialist K-10 Delivery NPC
Traiffeaux K-10 Quest Giver
Peppe-Aleppe K-10 Quest Giver

Notorious Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Graupel Formation

Wildskeeper Reive
(Key ItemAnti-glaciation gear at I-6)
116 Quiahuiz Leggings
Quiahuiz Helm
Toro Cape
Ajjub Bow
Baqil Staff
Dosis Tathlum
Zuuxowu Grip
Cetl Belt
Key ItemAged Flashfrost Naakual crest

Trade an Aster Yggrete Shard I to ??? at (?-?)
??? Qaaxo Mitaines
Xaddi Boots
Nguruve Ring
Airlixir/Airlixir +1 x6-7
Aster Yggzi Bead I
Key ItemImpure aster yggzi

Trade an Aster Yggrete Shard II to ??? at (H-9)
??? Xaddi Headgear
Artsieq Hose
Gevaudan Belt
Airlixir/Airlixir +1 x6-7
Aster Yggzi Bead II
Key ItemImpure aster yggzi

Trade an Aster Yggrete Shard III to ??? at (I-11)
??? Imbodla Necklace
Qaaxo Harness
Airlixir/Airlixir +1 x6-7
Aster Yggzi Bead III
Key ItemImpure aster yggzi

Trade Aster Yggrete Shard IV to ??? at (?-?)
125? Kbiroj
Airlixir/Airlixir +1 x6-7
Aster Yggzi Bead IV
Key ItemSemi-pure aster yggzi

Trade an Aster Yggrete Shard V to the ??? in the cave in at (F-8).
125 Idaraaja
Airlixir/Airlixir +1 x6-7
Aster Yggzi Bead V
Key ItemSemi-pure aster yggzi

Regular Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Ashen Tiger
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard I
Black Tiger Fang
Tiger Hide
Black Tiger Fang (Despoil)
Tiger Hide (Despoil)
Tigers A, S
Bedraggled Lucerewe
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard IV
Lucerewe Meat
Sheep Tooth
Sheep Tooth (Despoil) Sheep NA, S, L
Cicatricose Raaz
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard II
Raaz Hide
Raaz Tusk
Warthog Meat
Raaz Hide (Despoil)
Raaz Tusk (Despoil)
Raaz A, S
Cyanotic Raptor
111 - 112 Aster Yggrete Shard III
Raptor Skin
Raptor Skin (Despoil) Raptors A, H
Gnarring Yztarg
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard V None Yztargs 3 A, S, L
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard II
Snoll Arm
Snoll Arm (Despoil) Snolls A, M, S
Shaggy Ovim
111 - 113 Ram Horn
Ram Skin
Ram Horn (Despoil)
Ram Skin (Despoil)
Rams A, S, L
Shivering Heartwing
Snowpelt Rabbit
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard I
Frost Turnip
Hare Meat
Hare Meat (Despoil) Rabbits A, L, S
Sprightly Leafkin
Wailing Umbril
111 - 113 Aster Yggrete Shard III
Leafkin Frond
Umbril Ooze
Leafkin Frond Umbrils A, M, S
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Reive Monsters Found Here[]

Name Family Spawns Notes
Alpine Rabbit
Colonization Reive
Chilblain Snoll
Colonization Reive
Contumacious Ovim
Lair Reives at (H-6) and (H-7)
Rams 2 per reive
Frostfang Tiger
Lair Reive (H-6)
Tigers 2 per reive
Icy Palisade
Colonization Reive
Obstacles 2Verification Needed per reive
Incensed Lucerewe
Lair Reive
Wildskeeper Reive (I-6)
Cehuetzi 1
Quiahuiz Leggings

Quiahuiz Helm
Toro Cape
Ajjub Bow
Baqil Staff
Dosis Tathlum
Zuuxowu Grip
Cetl Belt
Key ItemAged Flashfrost Naakual crest

Kumhau's Claw
Wildskeeper Reive (I-6)
Tigers Information Needed
Kumhau's Fleshrender
Wildskeeper Reive (I-6)
Raaz Information Needed
Kumhau's Hoof
Wildskeeper Reive (I-6)
Rams Information Needed
Raptor Nightstalker
Colonization Reive
Sharptusk Raaz
Colonization Reive
Territorial Lucerewe
Colonization Reive
Umberwood Tiger
Colonization Reive
Wintry Cave
Lair Reive
Lairs 1 per reive
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants