Type: BCNM |
Name | Level | Type |
Cyaneous-toed Yallberry (Ninja) x 1 | ?? | Tonberry |
Sable-tongued Gonberry (Black Mage) x 1 | ?? | Tonberry |
Virid-faced Shanberry (Thief) x 1 | ?? | Tonberry |
Vermilion-eared Noberry (Summoner) x 1 | ?? | Tonberry |
Tonberry's Avatar x 1 | ?? | Avatars |
Tonberry's Elemental x 1 | ?? | Elementals |
Rem's Tale[]
Depending on the difficulty level, party members receive up to a certain number of copies of Rem's Tale Ch. 1 (head) as personal spoils when the chest is opened.
- Very Easy and Easy: Up to 1
- Normal: Up to 2
- Difficult: Up to 3
- Very Difficult: Up to 4
Crafting Materials:
- Various orbs of synergy fewell.
- Phoenix Feather, Malboro Fiber, Beetle Blood, Oxblood, Damascus Ingot
Upgrade/Reforging Materials:
- Pluton, Riftborn Boulder, Beitetsu and their various containers
Bonus Treasure[]
During a Macrocosmic Orb Campaign, the following rewards get added to the shared treasure pool from each defeated foe.
- Additional copies of Rem's Tale Chapters 1-5.
- Additional crafting materials.
- Various HQ Skirmish and Alluvion Skirmish stones.
- Frayed Sack (Pel), Frayed Sack (Fer), Frayed Sack (Tau)
- Alexandrite, Heavy Metal, pinches of High-Purity Bayld and their various containers.
- All use the Tonberry special attacks
- Cyaneous-toed Yallberry has Mijin Gakure, Sable-tounged Gonberry has Manafont, Vermillion-eared Noberry has Astral Flow, and Virid-faced Shanberry has Perfect Dodge.
- All are susceptible to Sleep; Lullaby is possible, but difficult.
- Both Astral Flow and Mijin Gakure can inflict heavy damage on the party. It's possible for weaker mages to run back towards door to get out of range.
- Jungle Boogymen II Strategies