
Courier Carrie, one of the most popular classic familiars.

Familiars are special pets that are available exclusively to Beastmasters. They are called to the Beastmaster's side by equipping items, commonly referred to as "jugs," into the ammo slot and using using either Call Beast, which consumes the jug, or Bestial Loyalty, which does not.

While familiars are typically weaker than charmed monsters of the same level, familiars can be called instantly and stay for a set amount time before disappearing — they will never fail to be called or "decharm" and attack the Beastmaster like charmed monsters.

Familiars also allow the use of Snarl, a job ability which transfers enmity from the Beastmaster to the familiar, and Ready, a pet command which replaces Sic and allows the Beastmaster to choose which attack is used. These abilities give the Beastmaster more tactical options and finer control over the flow of battle. In addition to having control over which ability is used, Ready can typically be used more often than Sic, which often makes familiars more powerful than equivalent charmed pets, even if the familiar has lower stats.

However, due to the relatively long recast of Call Beast and the even longer recast of Bestial Loyalty, familiars are much less disposable than charmed pets. Beastmasters that utilize familiars will need to pay close attention to the familiar's health and the time remaining before another pet can be called.


Familiar Family Type Job Damage
Level Cap
Hare Familiar
Carrot Broth
Rabbit Beast WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 23 35 90 minutes
Sheep Familiar
Herbal Broth
Sheep Beast WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 23 35 60 minutes
Flowerpot Bill
Mandragora Plantoid MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 28 40 60 minutes
Tiger Familiar
Meat Broth
Tiger Beast WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 28 40 60 minutes
Flytrap Familiar
Grasshopper Broth
Flytrap Plantoid WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 28 40 60 minutes
Lizard Familiar
Carrion Broth
Lizard Lizard WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 33 45 60 minutes
Mayfly Familiar
Bug Broth
Fly Vermin WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 33 45 60 minutes
Eft Familiar
Mole Broth
Eft Lizard WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 33 45 60 minutes
Beetle Familiar
Tree Sap
Beetle Vermin PLD Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 38 45 60 minutes
Antlion Familiar
Antica Broth
Antlion Vermin WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 38 50 60 minutes
Crab Familiar
Fish Broth
Crab Aquan PLD Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 23 55 30 minutes
Mite Familiar
Blood Broth
Diremite Vermin WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 43 55 60 minutes
Keeneared Steffi
Famous Carrot Broth (HQ)
Rabbit Beast WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 43 55 90 minutes
Lullaby Melodia
Singing Herbal Broth (HQ)
Sheep Beast WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 43 55 60 minutes
Flowerpot Ben
Rich Humus (HQ)
Mandragora Plantoid MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 51 63 60 minutes
Saber Siravarde
Warm Meat Broth (HQ)
Tiger Beast WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 51 63 60 minutes
Funguar Familiar
Seedbed Soil
Funguar Plantoid WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 33 65 60 minutes
Shellbuster Orob
Quadav Bug Broth (HQ)
Fly Vermin WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 53 65 60 minutes
Coldblood Como
Cold Carrion Broth (HQ)
Lizard Lizard WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 53 65 60 minutes
Courier Carrie
Fish Oil Broth (HQ)
Crab (Courier) Aquan PLD Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 23 75 30 minutes
Alchemist Water
Mandragora (Korrigan) Plantoid MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 23 75 60 minutes
Voracious Audrey
Noisy Grasshopper Broth (HQ)
Flytrap Plantoid WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 53 75 60 minutes
Ambusher Allie
Lively Mole Broth (HQ)
Eft Lizard WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 58 75 60 minutes
Panzer Galahad
Scarlet Sap (HQ)
Beetle Vermin PLD Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 63 75 60 minutes
Lifedrinker Lars
Clear Blood Broth (HQ)
Diremite Vermin WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 63 75 60 minutes
Chopsuey Chucky
Fragrant Antica Broth (HQ)
Antlion Vermin WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 63 75 60 minutes
Amigo Sabotender
Sun Water
Sabotender Plantoid WAR Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 75 75 30 minutes
Nursery Nazuna
Dancing Herbal Broth
Sheep Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 76 86 120 minutes
Crafty Clyvonne
Cunning Brain Broth
Coeurl Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 76 90 120 minutes
Presto Julio
Chirping Grasshopper Broth
Flytrap Plantoid WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 83 93 120 minutes
Swift Sieghard
Mellow Bird Broth
Raptor Lizard WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 86 94 120 minutes
Mailbuster Cetas
Goblin Bug Broth
Fly Vermin WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 85 95 120 minutes
Audacious Anna
Bubbling Carrion Broth
Lizard Aquan WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 85 95 120 minutes
Slippery Silas
Wormy Broth
Toad Aquan BLM Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 23 99 30 minutes
Turbid Toloi
Auroral Broth
Pugil Aquan WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 75 99 120 minutes
Lucky Lulush
Lucky Carrot Broth
Rabbit (Arctic) Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 76 99 120 minutes
Dipper Yuly
Wool Grease
Ladybug Vermin THF Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 76 99 120 minutes
Flowerpot Merle
Mandragora (Lycopodium) Plantoid MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 76 99 180 minutes
Dapper Mac
Briny Broth
Apkallu Bird MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 76 99 120 minutes
Discreet Louise
Deepbed Soil
Funguar Plantoid WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 79 99 120 minutes
Fatso Fargann
Curdled Plasma Broth
Leech Amorph WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 81 99 120 minutes
Faithful Falcorr
Lucky Broth
Hippogryph Bird THF Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 86 99 120 minutes
Bugeyed Broncha
Savage Mole Broth
Eft Lizard WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 90 99 120 minutes
Bloodclaw Shasra
Razor Brain Broth
Coeurl (Lynx) Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 90 99 120 minutes
Gorefang Hobs
Burning Carrion Broth
Tiger Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 93 99 120 minutes
Gooey Gerard
Cloudy Wheat Broth
Slug Amorph WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 95 99 90 minutes
Crude Raphie
Shadowy Broth
Adamantoise Lizard PLD Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 96 99 90 minutes
Droopy Dortwin
Swirling Broth
Rabbit (Lapinion) Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 103 120 minutes
Sunburst Malfik
Shimmering Broth
Crab Aquan PLD Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 104 120 minutes
Warlike Patrick
Livid Broth
Lizard Lizard WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 104 120 minutes
Scissorleg Xerin
Spicy Broth
Chapuli Vermin WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 105 120 minutes
Rhyming Shizuna
Lyrical Broth
Sheep Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 107 120 minutes
Attentive Ibuki
Salubrious Broth
Tulfaire Bird WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 109 120 minutes
Amiable Roche
Airy Broth
Pugil Aquan WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 110 120 minutes
Brainy Waluis
Crumbly Soil
Funguar Plantoid WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 113 120 minutes
Herald Henry
Translucent Broth
Crab Aquan PLD Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 113 120 minutes
Suspicious Alice
Furious Broth
Eft Lizard WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 113 120 minutesVerification Needed
Headbreaker Ken
Blackwater Broth
Fly Vermin WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 115 120 minutes
Redolent Candi
Electrified Broth
Snapweed Plantoid WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 115 120 minutes
Anklebiter Jedd
Crackling Broth
Diremite Vermin DRK Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 116 120 minutesVerification Needed
Caring Kiyomaro
Fizzy Broth
Raaz Beast MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 99 116 120 minutes
Hurler Percival
Pale Sap
Beetle Vermin PLD Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker FrameVerification Needed 99 116 120 minutes
Blackbeard Randy
Meaty Broth
Tiger Beast WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 117 120 minutes
Fleet Reinhard
Rapid Broth
Raptor Lizard WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 117 120 minutesVerification Needed
Alluring Honey
Bug-Ridden Broth (HQ)
Snapweed Plantoid WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 119 120 minutes
Bouncing Bertha
Bubbly Broth (HQ)
Chapuli Vermin WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 119 120 minutes
Brave Hero Glenn
Wispy Broth
Toad Aquan WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 119 120 minutes
Cursed Annabelle
Creepy Broth
Antlion Vermin WAR Verification Needed Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame Verification Needed 99 119 Verification Needed 120 minutesVerification Needed
Generous Arthur
Dire Broth
Slug Amorph WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 119 120 minutes
Sharpwit Hermes
Saline Broth
Mandragora (Korrigan) Plantoid MNK Blunt Weapons: Hand-to-Hand, Club, Staff, Harlequin Frame, Stormwaker Frame 99 119 120 minutes
Swooping Zhivago
Windy Greens (HQ)
Tulfaire Bird WAR Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 119 120 minutes
Threestar Lynn
Muddy Broth
Ladybug Vermin THF Slashing Weapons: Axe, Great Axe, Great Sword, Sword, Scythe, Katana, Great Katana, Valoredge Frame 99 119 120 minutes

See Also[]


In Final Fantasy V, captured monsters would be placed in "Jugs" and when released would make a specific attack before vanishing, similar to a limited form of summoning and Blue Magic.



All items (72)
