
Start NPC Fyi Chalmwoh - Mhaura (G-8)
Requirements Windurst Reputation: 1
Items Needed Mannequin Body
Mannequin Feet
Mannequin Hands
Mannequin Head
Mannequin Legs
Key ItemYe Olde Mannequin Catalogue
Key ItemMannequin Joint Diagrams
Title Granted None
Repeatable No
Reward One of the following:
Elvaan F Mannequin
Elvaan M Mannequin
Galka Mannequin
Hume F Mannequin
Hume M Mannequin
Mithra Mannequin
Tarutaru F Mannequin
Tarutaru M Mannequin
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None Behind the Smile



San d'Oria[]

Mannequin Parts[]

Put it Together[]

  • Now go back to Mhaura and trade all 5 pieces to Fyi Chalmwoh. You have to wait about one earth minute to get your reward.
  • She will give you the mannequin that is the same Race and gender as your character. If you want a different mannequin, trade (the) one that you have back to Fyi Chalmwoh and she'll let you choose another one for 2,000 gil.
  • Once you've completed this quest, you will now be able to buy more mannequins from Fyi Chalmwoh for 100,000 gil each.
  • To place equipment on the mannequin, put it in your Mog safe and arrange it like normal furniture. Then place the equipment you want to use in storage.
    • You must place the equipment in Storage, not in either Mog Safe or any other storage location starting with "Mog", nor in any Wardrobe location.
  • Go back to layout, select the mannequin, and select <Equip> from the menu. You can now equip the mannequin with the items in storage just as you would equip yourself with items in inventory. However, only equipment that is normally visible (Main, Sub, Range, Head, Body, Hands, Legs & Feet) can be used.
    • An item has to be unequipped from the mannequin before it can move out of storage.
    • Items still use up storage slots whether they are equipped or not.

Game Description[]

Fyi Chalmwoh (Goldsmiths' Guild Salesroom, Mhaura)
Fyi Chalmwoh wants to build a mannequin that rivals those of times past. It's your job to gather information on how to make one.