
Irmik Helvasi


Icon background
Irmik helvasi
A Near Eastern cake topped with pine
Its subtle sweetness makes it go well
with chai.
Stackable: Not Stackable
Food Effects: (3 hours, All Races)

Other Uses[]

Guild Points Value: 622 / 12,480 (20.06 items)
Resale Price: 415~425 gil

Synthesis Recipes[]

Cooking (65/76)

Yield: Irmik Helvasi x 1
HQ 1: Irmik Helvasi +1 x 1
Fire Crystal
Key ItemPatissier

Cannot be synthesized until A Taste of Honey is completed. (This requirement no longer appears to be necessary. The ability to synthesize Irmik Helvasi without completing A Taste of Honey is confirmed by Sekhmeti @ Leviathan on April 16, 2024 @ 4:00 PM PDT, a cooking mule that hasn't unlocked the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion pack.)

Used in Recipes[]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes[]


Obtained from Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Food > Meals > Sweets Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Sold By[]

Price: 2,075 gil
Name Location Type
Fayeewah Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-12) Standard Merchant

Real-world origins[]

Helva is a popular dessert and snack throughout the eastern Mediterranian and south Asia. The FFXI version most closely resembles the Turkish style of the semolina-type. See the Wikipedia article on halva for more information.
