
Mission Name In the Presence of Royalty
Number 2-2-2
Title Granted Queen's Confidante
Items Needed Several Sickles (optional)
Key ItemYorcia's tear
Reward Key ItemRosulatia's pome
Repeatable No
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Ortharsyne The Twin World Trees
Replay Cutscenes
In the Presence of Royalty Goblin Footprint Yorcia Weald (J-8)


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  • Harvest Key ItemYorcia's tear from any Harvesting Point in Yorcia Weald using Sickles. Alternatively, you may collect it by clicking on the "Ergon Locus???" @ (I-8).
    • Note: There is an "Ergon Locus" and a "???" at (I-8) that is not the correct place. The "Ergon Locus???" is in a part of (I-8) that you approach from the west. There is a blocker bush up from 2100-0300. It may be easiest to warp to biouvac station #3 and ride from there.
  • A bush at the corner of (G/H-5/6) blocks the path sometimes. It disappears from 6:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 24:00, game time.

Game Description

Mission Orders
Fate saw you meet with Rosulatia, the mother seed of the leafkin. She has asked you to find a Yorcia's tear to learn about the abnormalities in Eastern Ulbuka. Find one and head to the sole pure font of water within the weald.