
Ice Cluster


Icon background
Ice cluster
A cluster of ice crystals.
Stackable: 12

Usable Item: Use to create 12 Ice Crystals.

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 400~410 gil
Will temporarily extinguish the Flame Spouts in Ifrit's Cauldron when an Ice Cluster is traded to them, allowing players to immediately pass.

Synthesis Recipes[]


Used in Recipes[]

Desynthesis Recipe[]


Obtained From Desynthesis[]

  • None

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Crystals Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Tree Saplings:
Flowerpot Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot None 04096 Fire Crystal 5
00217 Brass Flowerpot None 04096 Fire Crystal 1-4
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 04096 Fire Crystal 1-3
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot None 04096 Fire Crystal 3
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 04096 Fire Crystal 2
00218 Earthen Flowerpot None 04096 Fire Crystal 3
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot None 04096 Fire Crystal 1-4
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal None 2-3
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 04099 Earth Crystal 2-3
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 04096 Fire Crystal 2-3
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 04101 Water Crystal 2

Dropped From[]

Name Level Zone
Ice Elemental 38-40 Batallia Downs
44-46 Beaucedine Glacier
48-49 Castle Zvahl Baileys
48-50 Xarcabard
52-55 Eldieme Necropolis
56-58 Fei'Yin
63-80 Pso'Xja
66-68 Uleguerand Range
73-74 Shrine of Ru'Avitau
73-74 Ve'Lugannon Palace
78-79 Ru'Aun Gardens
80 Arrapago Reef
Ul'xzomit 68-71 Al'Taieu
Ul'hpemde 68-72 Al'Taieu
Ul'aern 70-73 Al'Taieu
Om'hpemde 73-77 Al'Taieu
Eo'euvhi 74-76 Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi
Om'xzomit 74-76 Al'Taieu
Eo'ghrah 75-77 Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi
Ul'phuabo 75-77 Al'Taieu
Om'aern 75-78 Al'Taieu
Aw'euvhi 78-81 The Garden of Ru'Hmet
Ul'yovra (NM) 79 Al'Taieu
Aw'ghrah 79-81 The Garden of Ru'Hmet
Om'phuabo 79-81 Al'Taieu
Eo'aern 79-82 Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi
Om'yovra (NM) 80-82 Al'Taieu
Aw'aern 81-84 The Garden of Ru'Hmet


NM Name Level Cap Zone
Iqi-Balam 75 Sauromugue Champaign (S)

Campaign Unions[]

Random spoils in following areas:

Collected From[]

  • Snoll (Put Down)