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While speaking to a starter NPC in one of the three nations may improve the possibility of attaining the gifts, it has been proven that it is NOT a requirement. Simply start out by following the Leviathan and the parade of Summoner. Now trade a Summoner anything. They takes anything from Christmas candies to Muddy Bar Tabs. As well as receiving your item, you can also receive a random buff. You can still receive buffs even if you already possess all the items listed below or have full inventory at the time of trading.

He will give random items or buffs and say:

  • "Um, let's see... This year you will have about the same lucky-wucky as last year! Yep yep, and there you have it!"
  • "Happy New Year! Ah, wait up, wait up! Um, let's see... This year, you'll have about the same luck as I will! ...I'm sorry, but isn't that about the worst possible-wossible luck you can have? Leviathaaan, hurry up and slow down! Oh pleasy-weasy!"
  • "This year, you will have pretty good luck! Ahh, Leviathan! You were supposed to be doing this, not me!"

Upon a successful trade: Verification Needed 492 × 104

Known rewards

(3 Hour)

When used you will get the message: "Player eats a galette des rois,but finds nothing inside..." or "Player eats a Galette des Rois. Player finds an item inside!"

Note: The NPCs run the entire zone, I had to use Wide Scan just to keep up with them. Verification Needed

New Year's Gift

New Year's gift

Talk to one of the Event Starter NPCs in the 3 nations.


  1. Let you ask Grandpa a question.
  2. Give you something from my pocket.
  3. Tell you more about Grandpa.
After obtaining the Battledore, on subsequent trades you will receive fireworks when selecting option 2.
  • Note: If you trade the New Year's Gift back, or you "use" the Gift, you will receive Fishing Imagery Support for an hour.

Copy of "Hoary Spire"
