
While speaking to a starter NPC in one of the three nations may improve the possibility of attaining the gifts, it has been proven that it is NOT a requirement. Simply start out by following the three Tigers running around Auspicious Tiger, Auspicious Cub, and Auspicious Tigress and find the lead NPC Galka Galger, he will be assisted by an NPC Tarutaru named Taruger. Now trade Galger anything and I mean anything! He takes anything from Christmas candies to Muddy Bar Tabs. As well as receiving your item, you will also receive a random buff. You can still receive buffs even if you already possess all the items listed below or have full inventory at the time of trading. It can take several trades to receive the following items:

New Year's Gift

New Year's gift

Snowman Knight

Snowman Mage

Snowman Miner

New Year's Gift

New Year's gift

Talk to one of the Event Starter NPCs in the 3 nations.


  1. Let you ask Grandpa a question.
  2. Give you something from my pocket.
  3. Tell you more about Grandpa.
After obtaining the Battledore, on subsequent trades you will receive fireworks when selecting option 2.
  • Note: If you trade the New Year's Gift back to Galger, or you "use" the Gift, you will receive Fishing Imagery Support for an hour.

Copy of "Hoary Spire"
