Battlefield Info
Area Maquette Abdhaljs-Legion
Entry Item Legion Tome, Legion Medal: An, Legion Medal: Ki, Legion Medal: Im, Legion Medal: Muru
Participants 3~36
Time Limit 30 min
Title Legendary Legionnaire

Monster Information
Name Type Family Wave
Lofty Harpeia NM Harpeia 1
Mired Mantis NM Mantid 1
Soaring Naraka NM Naraka 1
Veiled Ironclad NM Iron Giant 1
Paramount Harpeia NM Harpeia 2
Paramount Mantis NM Mantid 2
Paramount Naraka NM Naraka 2
Paramount Ironclad NM Iron Giant 2
Paramount Gallu Boss Gallu 3
Paramount Botulus Boss Botuli 3
Paramount Avatar Pet Avatar 3
Auspicious Entity - Elementals 1~3

Name Type Wave
Muddle Pumps Feet 1
Janamaraka Dagger 1
Void Scythe Scythe 1
Pugiunculus Dagger 1
Heshikiri-hasebe Great Katana 1
Maniacus Sash Waist 1
Panzer Shield Shield 1
Esper Earring Earring 1
Pharmakeia Robe Body 2
Mystagog Slacks Legs 2
Choleric Earring Earring 2
Repartie Gloves Hands 2
Duplus Grip Grips 2
Kagotsurube Great Katana 2
Iron Gobbet Ammo 2
Irasya Great Sword 2
C.Abjuration: Hd. Abjurations 1 or 2
S.Abjuration: Hd. Abjurations 1 or 2
S.Abjuration: Ft. Abjurations 1 or 2
T.Abjuration: Hd. Abjurations 1 or 2
T.Abjuration: Ft. Abjurations 1 or 2
F.Abjuration: Hd. Abjurations 1 or 2
F.Abjuration: Ft. Abjurations 1 or 2
L.Abjuration: Hd. Abjurations 1 or 2
L.Abjuration: Ft. Abjurations 1 or 2
Lofty Trophy Item 1 or 2
Mired Trophy Item 1 or 2
Soaring Trophy Item 1 or 2
Veiled Trophy Item 1 or 2
C.Abjuration: Bd. Abjurations 3
S.Abjuration: Bd. Abjurations 3
T.Abjuration: Bd. Abjurations 3
F.Abjuration: Bd. Abjurations 3
L.Abjuration: Bd. Abjurations 3
Abdhaljs's Honor Item 3
Scroll of Arise Scroll 3
Scroll of Meteor Scroll 3
Girru Hand-to-Hand 3
Shara's Fists Hand-to-Hand 3
A'as Circlet Head 3
Wurrukatte Boots Feet 3
Kumarbi's Akar Body 3
Ikarigiri Katana 3
Kawasemi Katana 3
Ngen Seraweels Legs 3
Ayao's Gages Hands 3
Eirene's Manteel Body 3

