
Gysahl Greens


Icon background
Bunch of gysahl greens
These slightly bitter leafy vegetables
are favored by chocobos.
Stackable: 99
Food Effects: (5 minutes, All Races)
Alternate Food Effects: (5 minutes, Chocobo Shirt currently equipped)

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: 16~17 gil

Effect on Personal Chocobo: Satisfies hunger and increases affection.
Effect on Pack Chocobo: Very, very slightly restores HP.

Used in Recipes[]

How to Obtain[]

Auction House Category: Weapons > Ammo & Misc. > Pet Items Ffxiah-small
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Mog Garden[]


Price: 61 - 102 gil
Name Location Type
Neigepance Bastok Mines (J-9) Standard Merchant
Mamerie Kazham (F-9) Standard Merchant
Festering Wound Lower Jeuno (G-9) Special Event Merchant
Only available during the Green Festival event.
Rhimonne Lower Jeuno (G-11) Standard Merchant
Belka Port Bastok (E-7) Regional Merchant
Derfland region
Challoux Port Jeuno (I-8) Standard Merchant
Generoit Rabao (G-6) Standard Merchant
Ferdoulemiont Southern San d'Oria (I-11) Standard Merchant
Pourette Southern San d'Oria (J-9) Regional Merchant
Derfland region
Mejuone Upper Jeuno (G-7) Standard Merchant
Quesse Windurst Woods (K-12) Standard Merchant
Taraihi-Perunhi Windurst Woods (K-10) Regional Merchant
Derfland region

Chocobo Digging[]

Zone Abundance
East Ronfaure Common
East Ronfaure (S) Very Common
East Sarutabaruta Very Common
La Theine Plateau Common
North Gustaberg Very Common
South Gustaberg Very Common
West Ronfaure Common
West Sarutabaruta (S) Very Common

The Chocobo Hot and Cold Game[]

Zone Abundance
La Theine Plateau 36.5%More data needed.(36.5%)
Konschtat Highlands 28.4%More data needed.(28.4%)
Tahrongi Canyon 31.6%More data needed.(31.6%)
Jugner Forest 46.3%More data needed.(46.3%)
Pashhow Marshlands 33.6%Very Common(33.6%)
Meriphataud Mountains 42%More data needed.(42%)
Valkurm Dunes 32.8%Very Common(32.8%)
Buburimu Peninsula 24.8%Very Common(24.8%)
Yuhtunga Jungle 25%More data needed.(25%)
Yhoator Jungle 32%Very Common(32%)
Western Altepa Desert 45.6%More data needed.(45.6%)
Eastern Altepa Desert 29.3%Very Common(29.3%)


Zone Abundance
Giddeus Rare
West Sarutabaruta Rare


Vegetable Seeds:
Flowerpot Crystal Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 24-28
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-12
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 1-12
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-12
03744 Mandragora Pot Exclusive 04098 Wind Crystal 9-12
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-12
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 9-19
Wildgrass Seeds:
Flowerpot Crystal Yield
00221 Arcane Flowerpot None 24-35
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04103 Dark Crystal 25-28
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 24-28
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 24-36
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04102 Light Crystal 24-28
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04101 Water Crystal 20-28
00221 Arcane Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 24-35
00217 Brass Flowerpot None 10-20
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04103 Dark Crystal 8-11
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04099 Earth Crystal 8
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 8-18
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 8-12
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04102 Light Crystal 8-12
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04101 Water Crystal 8-12
00217 Brass Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-20
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot None 19
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04103 Dark Crystal 10
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 8-12
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 9-20
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04102 Light Crystal 8-12
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04101 Water Crystal 8-12
00219 Ceramic Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 9-17
03747 Citrullus Pot Exclusive None 17
03747 Citrullus Pot Exclusive 04097 Ice Crystal 8
00218 Earthen Flowerpot None 10-19
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04103 Dark Crystal 9-12
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 8-12
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 8-11
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04102 Light Crystal 9-11
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04101 Water Crystal 8-14
00218 Earthen Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-20
03745 Korrigan Pot Exclusive None 10-17
03745 Korrigan Pot Exclusive 04097 Ice Crystal 9
03744 Mandragora Pot Exclusive 04102 Light Crystal 10
03744 Mandragora Pot Exclusive 04101 Water Crystal 10
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot None 17
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04103 Dark Crystal 9-13
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 8-12
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 8-20
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04102 Light Crystal 8-12
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04101 Water Crystal 8-11
00216 Porcelain Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 8-20
00220 Wooden Flowerpot None 18-25
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04103 Dark Crystal 16-18
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04096 Fire Crystal 16
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04097 Ice Crystal 17-20
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04102 Light Crystal 16-20
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04101 Water Crystal 16-19
00220 Wooden Flowerpot 04098 Wind Crystal 17-27