
Goblin Footprints are found in almost every zone of Vana'diel, usually close to zone lines, and will only be active if a cutscene has been viewed in the zone. If you trade an item or gil to the Goblin Footprint, Ramblix, Grumblix or Trailmix will appear, listing cutscenes you may view. The item or gil is not consumed.

Middle Lands[]

Altar Room[]

Location: Near entrance
GF Altar Room

Balga's Dais[]

Location: Near entrance

Batallia Downs[]

Location: (F-9)
GF Batallia Downs


Location: (E-7) Map 1

Beaucedine Glacier[]

Location: (E-11)
GF Beaucedine Glacier

Bostaunieux Oubliette[]

Location: (H-7)

Buburimu Peninsula[]

Location: (D-7)
GF Buburimu Peninsula

Castle Oztroja[]

Location: (F-8) Map 1
GF Castle Oztroja

Castle Zvahl Baileys[]

Location: (J-8) Map 1

Castle Zvahl Keep[]

Location: (I-8) Map 1

Crawler's Nest[]

Location: (M-8) Map 1

Dangruf Wadi[]

Location: K-10


Location: (J-7)

East Sarutabaruta[]

Location: (G-11)
GF East Sarutabaruta

The Eldieme Necropolis[]

Location: (J-9) Map 1, from Batallia Downs (J-10)


Location: (F-11) Map 1

Full Moon Fountain[]

Location: Near entrance

Garlaige Citadel[]

Location: (G-7) Map 1, from Sauromugue Champaign (H-11)
GF Garlaige Citadel

Ghelsba Outpost[]

Location: (J-10)

Gusgen Mines[]

Location: (H-10) Map 1

Horlais Peak[]

Location: Near entrance

Inner Horutoto Ruins[]

Location: (I-7) Lily Tower, from East Sarutabaruta (J-7)
GF Inner Horutoto Ruins

Jugner Forest[]

Location: (E-11)
GF Jugner Forest

King Ranperre's Tomb[]

Location: (G-5) Map 1

Konschtat Highlands[]

Location: (I-12)

La Theine Plateau[]

Location: (E-4)
GF La Theine Plateau

Lower Delkfutt's Tower[]

Maze of Shakhrami[]

Location: (C-9) Map 1
GF Maze of Shakhrami

Meriphataud Mountains[]

Location: (F-12)
GF Meriphataud Mountains

Middle Delkfutt's Tower[]

Location: (G-7) Floor 4
GF Middle Delkfutts Tower

Monastic Cavern[]

Location: (H-11)
GF Monastic Cavern

North Gustaberg[]

Location: (L-8)

Ordelle's Caves[]

Location: (G-2) Map 1

Outer Horutoto Ruins[]

Location: (H-5) Amarylis Tower, from West Sarutabaruta (F-4)
GF Outer Horutoto Ruins

Palborough Mines[]

Location: (G-8) Map 1

Pashhow Marshlands[]

Location: (E-12)

Qu'Bia Arena[]

Location: Near entrance

Qufim Island[]

Location: (I-11)

Qulun Dome[]

Location: (F-7), from Beadeaux (I-7) Map 2

Ranguemont Pass[]

Location: (F-11)

Rolanberry Fields[]

Location: (I-14)

Sauromugue Champaign[]

Location: (K-11)

South Gustaberg[]

Location: (J-7)

Tahrongi Canyon[]

Location: (H-12)
GF Tahrongi Canyon

Toraimarai Canal[]

Location: (F-5) Map 1, from Inner Horutoto Ruins Rose Tower

GF Toraimarai Canal

|width="50%" valign="top"|

Throne Room[]

Location: Middle of bridge

|- |width="50%" valign="top"|

Valkurm Dunes[]

Location: (K-6)

|width="50%" valign="top"|

Waughroon Shrine[]

Location: Near entrance

|- |width="50%" valign="top"|

West Ronfaure[]

Location: (I-6)

|width="50%" valign="top"|

West Sarutabaruta[]

Location: (I-10)

|- |width="50%" valign="top"|


Location: (J-9)

|width="50%" valign="top"|

Yughott Grotto[]

Location: (D-9)

|- |width="50%" valign="top"|

Zeruhn Mines[]

Location: (I-7) |}

Zilart Regions[]

The Boyahda Tree[]

Location: (N-9) Map 1, from The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (K-12)
GF The Boyahda Tree

Cape Teriggan[]

Location: (G-10)

The Celestial Nexus[]

Location: Near entrance

Chamber of Oracles[]

Location: Near entrance

Cloister of Flames[]

Location: Near entrance

Cloister of Frost[]

Location: Near entrance

Cloister of Gales[]

Location: Near entrance

Cloister of Storms[]

Location: Near entrance

Cloister of Tides[]

Location: Near entrance

Cloister of Tremors[]

Location: Near entrance

Dragon's Aery[]

Location: (F-9)
GF Dragon's Aery

Gustav Tunnel[]

Location: (K-6)

† This cutscene will crash Windower 4.

Hall of the Gods[]

Location: (H-12)
GF Hall of the Gods

Ifrit's Cauldron[]

Location: (K-10) Map 4, from Yhoator Jungle (G-6)

Korroloka Tunnel[]

Location: (O-6)

Kuftal Tunnel[]

Location: (H-9) Map 1, from Western Altepa Desert

La'Loff Amphitheater[]

Location: Near entrance, from Ru'Aun Gardens (F-11)

Quicksand Caves[]

Location: (L-4) Map 1, from Eastern Altepa Desert (K-7)


Location: (H-11)
GF Ro'Maeve

† This cutscene will crash Windower 4.

Ru'Aun Gardens[]

Location: (H-11)

Sacrificial Chamber[]

Location: Near entrance

The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah[]

Location: (E-11)
GF The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah

Sea Serpent Grotto[]

Location: (M-4) Map 1

The Shrine of Ru'Avitau[]

Location: (G-12) Map 2, from Ru'Aun Gardens (H-8)

Stellar Fulcrum[]

Location: Near entrance

Temple of Uggalepih[]

Location: (I-7) Map 1, from Yhoator Jungle (K-12)

Western Altepa Desert[]

Location: (M-8)

Valley of Sorrows[]

Location: (E-8)

Yuhtunga Jungle[]

Location: (G-5)

Promathia Regions[]


Location: (H-12)
GF Al'Taieu

Bearclaw Pinnacle[]

Location: Near entrance, from Uleguerand Range (J-9)

Bibiki Bay[]

Location: (I-6)
GF Bibiki Bay

Boneyard Gully[]

Location: To the right of tunnel exit

Carpenters' Landing[]

Location: (I-11) Map 1, from Jugner Forest (J-8)

Empyreal Paradox[]

Location: Near entrance

The Garden of Ru'Hmet[]

Location: (H-10)
GF Ru'Hmet

Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi[]

Location: (H-8) Map 3
GF Hu'Xzoi

Hall of Transference[]

Location: Behind entrance, from Tahrongi Canyon (I-6)

Lufaise Meadows[]

Location: (K-8)

Mine Shaft #2716[]

Location: Near entrance

Misareaux Coast[]

Location: (K-10)

Monarch Linn[]

Location: Near entrance

Oldton Movalpolos[]

Location: (F-11)

Phomiuna Aqueducts[]

Location: (J-10) Map 1

Promyvion - Vahzl[]

Location: (H-9)


Location: (I-7) Map 1, from Beaucedine Glacier (J-8)

Riverne - Site A01[]

Location: (L-8)

Riverne - Site B01[]

Location: (M-9)


Location: (E-7)

The Shrouded Maw[]

Location: Near entrance

Spire of Dem[]

Location: Near entrance

Spire of Holla[]

Location: Near entrance

Spire of Mea[]

Location: Near entrance

Spire of Vahzl[]

Location: Near entrance

Uleguerand Range[]

Location: (F-12)


Alzadaal Undersea Ruins[]

Location: (G-9) Map 7, from Bhaflau Thickets (F-6) Map 1
GF Alzadaal

Arrapago Reef[]

Aydeewa Subterrane[]

Location: (J-7) Map 1, from Bhaflau Thickets (I-7)
GF Aydeewa Subterrane

Bhaflau Thickets[]

Location: (J-9) Map 1

Caedarva Mire[]

Location: (H-10) Map 1


Location: (N-5) Map 1, from Bhaflau Thickets (F-8) Map 1

Hazhalm Testing Grounds[]

Location: Near entrance

Jade Sepulcher[]

Location: Near entrance


Location: (M-9) Map 1

Mount Zhayolm[]

Location: (L-7) * These cutscenes are identical.

Navukgo Execution Chamber[]

Talacca Cove[]

Location: Near entrance from Caedarva Mire

Wajaom Woodlands[]

Location: (M-7) * These cutscenes are identical.


Batallia Downs (S)[]

Location: (F-9)

Beadeaux (S)[]

Location: (E-7) Map 1

Beaucedine Glacier (S)[]

Location: (H-11)
GF Beaucedine S

Castle Oztroja (S)[]

Location: (F-8) Map 1

Castle Zvahl Baileys (S)[]

Location: (J-8) Map 1

Castle Zvahl Keep (S)[]

Location: (H-8) Map 1

Crawlers' Nest (S)[]

Location: (M-8)

East Ronfaure (S)[]

Location: (G-6)

The Eldieme Necropolis (S)[]

Location: (J-9) Map 1, from Batallia Downs (S) I-10

Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)[]

Location: (D-13)

Garlaige Citadel (S)[]

Location: (I-5) Map 2, from Sauromugue Champaign (S) (J-10)
GF Garlaige Citadel S

Grauberg (S)[]

Wings of the Goddess Missions

Something else

Location: (C-15)
GF Grauberg S

Jugner Forest (S)[]

Location: (G-6)

La Vaule (S)[]

Location: (J-6)

Meriphataud Mountains (S)[]

Location: (D-4)

North Gustaberg (S)[]

Location: (J-9)

Pashhow Marshlands (S)[]

Location: (K-4)

Rolanberry Fields (S)[]

Location: (I-14)

Sauromugue Champaign (S)[]

Location: (K-11)
GF Sauromugue Champaign

Throne Room (S)[]

Location: Middle of bridge

Vunkerl Inlet (S)[]

Location: (J-12)

Walk of Echoes[]

Location: South of the conflux, from Pashhow Marshlands (S) (J-9) or Grauberg (S) (F-5)

West Sarutabaruta (S)[]

Location: (J-8)

Xarcabard (S)[]

Wings of the Goddess Missions

Other events

Location: (K-9)


Ceizak Battlegrounds[]

Location: (K-7)

Cirdas Caverns[]

Location: (L-13)

Dho Gates[]

Location: (K-10)

Foret de Hennetiel[]

Location: (I-6)

Kamihr Drifts[]

Location: (K-11)

† This cutscene will crash Windower 4.


Location: (H-8)

Marjami Ravine[]

Location: (M-5)

Mog Garden[]

Location: Near the Mog Dinghy

Moh Gates[]

Location: (I-10)

Morimar Basalt Fields[]

Location: (K-11)

Outer Ra'Kaznar[]

Location: (N-7) Map 1

Ra'Kaznar Inner Court[]

Location: (I-6)

Ra'Kaznar Turris[]

Location: Near entrance

Sih Gates[]

Location: (I-6)

* This cutscene is listed twice.

Woh Gates[]

Location: (K-9)

Yahse Hunting Grounds[]

Location: (J-10)

Yorcia Weald[]

Location: (J-8)


Abyssea - Empyreal Paradox[]

Location: Near entrance

Desuetia - Empyreal Paradox[]

Location: Near entrance

Escha - Ru'Aun[]

Location: (H-11)

Escha - Zi'Tah[]

Location: (F-10)


Location: By the rocks east of the NPCs


Location: Near entrance


Location: (F-12)

Reisenjima Sanctorium[]

Location: To the left of entrance
